When file is a file descriptor, the behavior is similar to calling fs.write() directly (which is recommended). See the notes below on using a file descriptor.
When file is a file descriptor, the behavior is similar to calling fs.write() directly (which is recommended). See the notes below on using a file descriptor.
nodejs file descriptor
On POSIX systems, for every process, the kernel maintains a table of currently open files and resources. Each open file is assigned a simple numeric identifier called a file descriptor. At the system-level, all file system operations use these file descriptors to identify and track each specific file. Windows systems use a different but conceptually similar mechanism for tracking resources. To simplify things for users, Node.js abstracts away the specific differences between operating systems and assigns all open files a numeric file descriptor.
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简单的讲,就是一个唯一 ID,通过这个 ID,可以访问该文件,读写该文件