xml 配置 | 官网说明 |
selectByPrimaryKeyQueryId | This value will be added to the select list of the select by primary key statement in this form: "'<value>' as QUERYID". This can be useful for identifying queries in DBA tracing tools at run time. If you use thus value, you should specify a unique id for every different query generated by MBG. |
selectByExampleQueryId | This value will be added to the select list of the select by example statement in this form: "'<value>' as QUERYID". This can be useful for identifying queries in DBA tracing tools at run time. If you use thus value, you should specify a unique id for every different query generated by MBG. |
delimitIdentifiers | Signifies whether MBG should use the exact case specified when searching for tables and then delimit the identifiers in the generated SQL. See the discussion above for more details. |
delimitAllColumns | Signifies whether MBG should add delimiters to all column names in the generated SQL. This is an alternative to coding a <columnOverride> for every column specifying that the column should be delimited. This is useful for databases like PostgreSQL that are case sensitive with identifiers. |