最近在做mongodb升级,刚开始安装的mongodb4.2也搭建了replicset,在恢复从3.2版本dump的数据时出错,后来重新搭起来,然后使用阿里的mongoshake做数据迁移,但是现在怎么也加不了节点,rs.initiate(config)报错“No host described in new configuration 1 for replica set rs maps to this node”,
先在其中一台mongodb执行rs.initiate()可以使用默认配置创建第一个节点,也是主节点,然后再rs.add第二个节点就又报错“Quorum check failed because not enough voting nodes responded; required 2 but only the following 1 voting nodes responded: xx-xxx-xx-xxx:27017; the following nodes did not respond affirmatively: newmongodev.xxx.com:27018 failed with Couldn't get a connection within the time limit”,