in certain cases, in order to avoid ambiguities, the syntactic grammar uses generalized productions that permit token sequences that do not form a valid ECMAScript Script or Module. For example, this technique is used for object literals and object destructuring patterns. In such cases a more restrictive supplemental grammar is provided that further restricts the acceptable token sequences. Typically, an early error rule will then define an error condition if "P
is not covering an N
", where P
is a Parse Node (an instance of the generalized production) and N
is a nonterminal from the supplemental grammar. Here, the sequence of tokens originally matched by P
is parsed again using N
as the goal symbol. (If N
takes grammatical parameters, then they are set to the same values used when P
was originally parsed.) An error occurs if the sequence of tokens cannot be parsed as a single instance of N
, with no tokens left over. Subsequently, algorithms access the result of the parse using a phrase of the form "the N
that is covered by P
". This will always be a Parse Node (an instance of N
, unique for a given P
), since any parsing failure would have been detected by an early error rule.
这段话是属于 5. Notational Conventions 大章节,算是前言的一部分,它在描述这整个 spec 文件的一条特别的行文约定.
这条行文约定大意说:一般而言,有关一组语法的规则(productions)在一章的开头就会罗列穷尽,但有可能有例外情况,本文件要换一种文字组织形式。之所以会有例外,是为了规避(行文上的)歧义,也即原文说的 in certain cases, in order to avoid ambiguities。
12.15 Assignment Operators 章节就是应用了这一行文规则的段落.
一般而言,这段文字应该罗列穷尽关于 AssignmentExpression 的所有 production 规则了,但是实际上它没有,它有补充语法。
文件读者如果在 early error 小节里看到形如 "
is not covering anN
" 这样的语句,那就意味着本章节运用了这套行文约定.正好 12.15.1 里出现了这样的语句:
这就是在提示读者,请进一步阅读补充语法 (supplemental syntax)部分, 12.15.5 Destructuring Assignment. 点进去看,哦,原来还有 AssignmentPattern 这样的 nonterminal symbol 没有在开头的 syntax 部分提到,它的规则是 blabla...
为什么有这个行文约定、要切换文字组织形式呢?说白了就是这段东西太长了,全部堆在开头的 syntax 部分看容易看花眼咯。