Username for 'http://gitlab.*.fun':
Password for '*fun':
对象计数中: 185855, 完成.
Delta compression using up to 12 threads.
压缩对象中: 100% (34691/34691), 完成.
写入对象中: 100% (185855/185855), 162.73 MiB | 55.67 MiB/s, 完成.
Total 185855 (delta 147585), reused 185855 (delta 147585)
remote: fatal: write error: Bad file descriptor
error: 远程解包失败:index-pack abnormal exit
To http://gitlab.*.fun/operation-pms/cphalcon.git
! [remote rejected] master -> master (unpacker error)
error: 无法推送一些引用到 'http://gitlab.*.fun/operation-pms/cphalcon.git'
ssh 协议
对象计数中: 185855, 完成.
Delta compression using up to 12 threads.
压缩对象中: 100% (34691/34691), 完成.
remote: fatal: write error: Bad file descriptor
error: 远程解包失败:index-pack abnormal exit
error: 无法推送一些引用到 'ssh://git@gitlab.*.fun:32222/operation-pms/cphalcon.git'