用了 x-admin
的框架, iframe
布局。其中有个 x-admin.js
文件默认引入了 element,layer,jquery
三个 js
,所以我想在子页面调用父页面的方法,这样就不需要重复引入相同的 js
文件了,但是子页面加载时父页面的 jquery
用了 x-admin
的框架, iframe
布局。其中有个 x-admin.js
文件默认引入了 element,layer,jquery
三个 js
,所以我想在子页面调用父页面的方法,这样就不需要重复引入相同的 js
文件了,但是子页面加载时父页面的 jquery
method safely enables cross-origin communication betweenWindow
objects;_e.g.,_between a page and a pop-up that it spawned, or between a page and an iframe embedded within it.Normally, scripts on different pages are allowed to access each other if and only if the pages they originate from share the same protocol, port number, and host (also known as the "same-origin policy").
provides a controlled mechanism to securely circumvent this restriction (if used properly).Broadly, one window may obtain a reference to another (_e.g.,_via
targetWindow = window.opener
), and then dispatch aMessageEvent
on it withtargetWindow.postMessage()
. The receiving window is then free tohandle this eventas needed. The arguments passed towindow.postMessage()
(_i.e.,_the “message”) areexposed to the receiving window through the event object.
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