A new Java Project is created. Here Maven is used as the building management tool and a pom.xml file is created to manage the dependent packages. In the Intellij IDE, how to locate the settings.xml when the Maven is a bundled Maven 3? I did the following opertations
IntelliJ IDEA -> Preferences -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> Maven
and I navigated myself to a place where the Maven home directory can be overwritten and thus the path of settings.xml file can be visible and the settings can be changed outside this Java project scope.
Do I have to overwrite the Maven home directory and prepare a local Maven copy for each Java project? Is there a shortcut in the IntelliJ IDE such that I can have access to the setting files of a bundled Maven?
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新建一个Java工程,使用Maven做搭建管理,在pom.xml中规划依赖软件包,在Intellij开发环境中,怎么找到Bundled Maven 3的配置文件settings.xml?
IntelliJ IDEA -> Preferences -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> Maven
Bundled Maven 3 就是idea内置的maven。
Bundled Maven 3 的配置可以在插件目录中找到,比如: