/usr/bin/php -dvld.active=1 -dvld.verbosity=3 -dvld.execute=0 -dvld.dump_paths=0 test.php
filename: /mnt/d/www/test.php
function name: (null)
number of ops: 2
compiled vars: none
line #* E I O op fetch ext return operands
6 0* < 40> ECHO OP1[ IS_CONST (0) 'hello+world' ]
7 1* < 62> RETURN OP1[ IS_CONST (1) 1 ]
Function swoole_exec:
filename: @swoole-src/library/std/exec.php
function name: swoole_exec
number of ops: 48
compiled vars: !0 = $command, !1 = $output, !2 = $returnVar, !3 = $result, !4 = $outputList, !5 = $value, !6 = $endLine
line #* E I O op fetch ext return operands
12 0* < 63> RECV RES[ IS_CV !0 ] OP1[ IS_UNUSED ]
1* < 64> RECV_INIT RES[ IS_CV !1 ] OP1[ IS_UNUSED ] OP2[ IS_CONST (0) null ]
2* < 64> RECV_INIT RES[ IS_CV !2 ] OP1[ IS_UNUSED ] OP2[ IS_CONST (1) null ]
14 3* <113> INIT_STATIC_METHOD_CALL OP1[ IS_CONST (2) 'Swoole%5CCoroutine' ] OP2[ , IS_CONST (4) 'exec' ]
4* <117> SEND_VAR OP1[ IS_CV !0 ] OP2[ IS_UNUSED ]
5* < 60> DO_FCALL 0 RES[ IS_VAR $7 ] OP1[ IS_UNUSED ]
6* < 38> ASSIGN OP1[ IS_CV !3 ] OP2[ , IS_VAR $7 ]
15 7* < 43> JMPZ OP1[ IS_CV !3 ] OP2[ , ->46 ]
16 8* < 61> INIT_FCALL OP1[ IS_UNUSED ] OP2[ IS_CONST (6) 'explode' ]
9* < 65> SEND_VAL OP1[ IS_CONST (7) '%0A' ]
10* < 81> FETCH_DIM_R RES[ IS_VAR $9 ] OP1[ IS_CV !3 ] OP2[ , IS_CONST (8) 'output' ]
11* <117> SEND_VAR OP1[ IS_VAR $9 ] OP2[ IS_UNUSED ]
12* <129> DO_ICALL RES[ IS_VAR $10 ] OP1[ IS_UNUSED ] OP2[ IS_UNUSED ]
swoole library