请问有公司被 Oracle JRE 收费过吗?

Is Java still free?
Yes. For over a decade, Oracle stewards the OpenJDK open source community and provides the latest stability, performance and security updates to the latest release. This includes patch updates, scheduled over a year in advance; additional updates when required; and two feature updates (which also include critical patch updates) each year under the new release cadence. Our contributions are available to be ported, analysed, and used by anyone, as open source. You can download the latest OpenJDK release of Java from Oracle, for free, under an open source license from jdk.java.net.

各发行版本的 Oracle Java 授权自 2019 年 4 月 16 日起已经改变

请问有公司被 Oracle JRE 收费过吗?
公司有几台电脑有安装 JRE ,但过了一年多没有被问过


例子 : 像 BAT 一堆用 JAVA 是否每一台开发机都要缴一次费用?

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