求教:js递归 树结构输出问题


<!DOCtype html>
<html lang="en-US">
    const json = [
              "isLeaf": true,
              "isLeaf": true,
              "isLeaf": true,
                  "id": 106,
                  "name": "3-1-1",
                  "checked": true,
                  "isLeaf": true,
                  "children": null,
  function returnSelectedTree(list) {
    if (Array.isArray(list) && list.length !== 0) {
      list = list.map((item, index) => {
        // 哪裏有問題
        const children = !item.isLeaf ? item.children.filter(it => it.checked) : [];
        if (children.length > 0) {
          item = {...item, ...{children: children}};
        if (!item.isLeaf) {
        return item;
      return list;
    } else {
      return false;


选中2-2,输出 标题2的完整树结构,除过2-1;求N层级方法


阅读 3.4k
3 个回答
type TreeNode = {
  id: number
  name: string
  flag: number
  parentId: number
  children: null | TreeNode[]

type TreeNodeWithExtraInfo = TreeNode & {
  __parent: TreeNodeWithExtraInfo | null
  __bitset: 0 | 1
  __subtreeBitSet: 0 | 1
  children: TreeNodeWithExtraInfo[] | null
type ID = number

const temp: TreeNode[] = [
    id: 4,
    name: '标题1',
    flag: 0,
    parentId: 1,
    children: [{ id: 3, name: '1-12', flag: 0, parentId: 4, children: null }],
    id: 5,
    name: '标题2',
    flag: 0,
    parentId: 1,
    children: [
      { id: 4, name: '2-1', flag: 0, parentId: 5, children: null },
      { id: 6, name: '2-2', flag: 0, parentId: 5, children: null },
    id: 7,
    name: '标题3',
    flag: 0,
    parentId: 1,
    children: [
      { id: 8, name: '3-1', flag: 0, parentId: 7, children: null },
      { id: 9, name: '3-2', flag: 0, parentId: 7, children: null },
      { id: 10, name: '3-3', flag: 0, parentId: 7, children: null },

const getSelectedSubtree = (nodes: TreeNode[], ids: ID[]): TreeNode[] => {
  const dummyRoot: TreeNodeWithExtraInfo = {
    children: nodes,
  } as any
  const idToNodeMap = new Map<ID, TreeNodeWithExtraInfo>()
  const ans: TreeNode = {
    children: [],
  } as any

  const proprocessNodes = (
    root: TreeNodeWithExtraInfo,
    parent: null | TreeNodeWithExtraInfo
  ): void => {
    if (parent) {
      root.__parent = parent

    const children = root.children
    idToNodeMap.set(root.id, root)

    if (!children) return

    for (const node of children) {
      proprocessNodes(node, root)

  const markFlagFromSelectedNodeToRoot = (id: ID): void => {
    let node = idToNodeMap.get(id)!

    if (!node) {
      throw new Error('Not Implement')

    let parent = node.__parent
    node.__bitset = 1

    while (parent) {
      parent.__subtreeBitSet |= node.__bitset | node.__subtreeBitSet

      node = parent
      parent = parent.__parent

  const bubbleProperties = (ids: ID[]) => {
    for (const id of ids) {

  const removeFlags = (node: TreeNodeWithExtraInfo): void => {
    node.__bitset = 0
    node.__subtreeBitSet = 0

  const includeSomeFlags = (node: TreeNodeWithExtraInfo): boolean => {
    return (node.__bitset | node.__subtreeBitSet) !== 0

  const dfs = (current: TreeNodeWithExtraInfo, workInProgress: TreeNode) => {
    if (!includeSomeFlags(current)) {

    const children = current.children

    if (!children) return

    for (const node of children) {
      const newNode: TreeNode = {
        children: [],
      if (includeSomeFlags(node)) {
        if (node.__subtreeBitSet) {
          dfs(node, newNode)


  proprocessNodes(dummyRoot, null)
  dfs(dummyRoot, ans)

  return ans.children!

console.log(getSelectedSubtree(temp, [5, 10]))


这个问题可以参考我的博文:过滤/筛选树节点 - 第 2 节


function returnSelectedTree(list) {
    // 如果传入的 list 是空的(包含 null, undefined 和 empty),不用处理,直接返回
    if (!list?.length) { return list; }

    // 然后按一定条件进行过滤,
    // 这个条件就是自己是 checked 或者包含 chekced 的子节点
    return list.filter(node => {
        // 先递归找出符合条件的子树
        const children = returnSelectedTree(node.children);
        // 如果有,或者当前节点就符合条件,那需要返回当前节点
        // 不过返回前需要先处理 children,用过滤后的那个
        if (node.checked || children?.length) {
            node.children = children;
            return true;

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