我在element-plus代码仓库中看到package.json文件中本地预览文档的命令: "docs:dev": "pnpm run -C docs dev",
是什么意思,我在pnpm官网上没有找到相关的说明,通过pnpm --help
Version 6.17.2
Usage: pnpm [command] [flags]
pnpm [ -h | --help | -v | --version ]
Manage your dependencies:
add Installs a package and any packages that it depends on. By default, any new package is
installed as a prod dependency
import Generates a pnpm-lock.yaml from an npm package-lock.json (or npm-shrinkwrap.json) file
i, install Install all dependencies for a project
it, install-test Runs a pnpm install followed immediately by a pnpm test
ln, link Connect the local project to another one
prune Removes extraneous packages
rb, rebuild Rebuild a package
rm, remove Removes packages from node_modules and from the project's package.json
unlink Unlinks a package. Like yarn unlink but pnpm re-installs the dependency after removing the
external link
up, update Updates packages to their latest version based on the specified range
Review your dependencies:
audit Checks for known security issues with the installed packages
ls, list Print all the versions of packages that are installed, as well as their dependencies, in a
outdated Check for outdated packages
Run your scripts:
exec Executes a shell command in scope of a project
run Runs a defined package script
start Runs an arbitrary command specified in the package's "start" property of its "scripts" object
t, test Runs a package's "test" script, if one was provided
publish Publishes a package to the registry
Manage your store:
store add Adds new packages to the pnpm store directly. Does not modify any projects or files outside the
store prune Removes unreferenced (extraneous, orphan) packages from the store
store status Checks for modified packages in the store