


原文由 Alex Reynolds 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 4.0 许可协议

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这个答案相当陈旧,因此描述了当时“好”的东西,即 Boost 库提供的智能指针。从 C++11 开始,标准库已经提供了足够的智能指针类型,因此您应该倾向于使用 std::unique_ptrstd::shared_ptrstd::weak_ptr

还有 std::auto_ptr 。它非常像一个作用域指针,除了它还具有被复制的“特殊”危险能力——这也会意外地转移所有权。

它在 C++11 中被弃用并在 C++17 中被删除,所以你不应该使用它。

 std::auto_ptr<MyObject> p1 (new MyObject());
std::auto_ptr<MyObject> p2 = p1; // Copy and transfer ownership.
                                 // p1 gets set to empty!
p2->DoSomething(); // Works.
p1->DoSomething(); // Oh oh. Hopefully raises some NULL pointer exception.


智能指针是包装“原始”(或“裸”)C++ 指针的类,用于管理所指向对象的生命周期。没有单一的智能指针类型,但它们都试图以实用的方式抽象原始指针。

智能指针应该优先于原始指针。如果你觉得你需要使用指针(首先考虑你是否 真的 这样做),你通常会想要使用智能指针,因为这可以缓解原始指针的许多问题,主要是忘记删除对象和内存泄漏。


 // Need to create the object to achieve some goal
MyObject* ptr = new MyObject();
ptr->DoSomething(); // Use the object in some way
delete ptr; // Destroy the object. Done with it.
// Wait, what if DoSomething() raises an exception...?


 SomeSmartPtr<MyObject> ptr(new MyObject());
ptr->DoSomething(); // Use the object in some way.

// Destruction of the object happens, depending
// on the policy the smart pointer class uses.

// Destruction would happen even if DoSomething()
// raises an exception

使用中最简单的策略涉及智能指针包装对象的范围,例如由 boost::scoped_ptrstd::unique_ptr 实现。

 void f()
       std::unique_ptr<MyObject> ptr(new MyObject());
    } // ptr goes out of scope --
      // the MyObject is automatically destroyed.

    // ptr->Oops(); // Compile error: "ptr" not defined
                    // since it is no longer in scope.

注意 std::unique_ptr 实例不能被复制。这可以防止指针被多次(错误地)删除。但是,您可以将对它的引用传递给您调用的其他函数。

std::unique_ptr 当您想将对象的生命周期与特定代码块联系起来,或者如果您将其作为成员数据嵌入到另一个对象中时,该对象的生命周期非常有用。该对象一直存在,直到退出包含代码块,或者直到包含对象本身被销毁。

更复杂的智能指针策略涉及对指针的引用计数。这确实允许复制指针。当对象的最后一个“引用”被销毁时,该对象被删除。该政策由 boost::shared_ptrstd::shared_ptr 实施。

 void f()
    typedef std::shared_ptr<MyObject> MyObjectPtr; // nice short alias
    MyObjectPtr p1; // Empty

        MyObjectPtr p2(new MyObject());
        // There is now one "reference" to the created object
        p1 = p2; // Copy the pointer.
        // There are now two references to the object.
    } // p2 is destroyed, leaving one reference to the object.
} // p1 is destroyed, leaving a reference count of zero.
  // The object is deleted.



 // Create the smart pointer on the heap
MyObjectPtr* pp = new MyObjectPtr(new MyObject())
// Hmm, we forgot to destroy the smart pointer,
// because of that, the object is never destroyed!


 struct Owner {
   std::shared_ptr<Owner> other;

std::shared_ptr<Owner> p1 (new Owner());
std::shared_ptr<Owner> p2 (new Owner());
p1->other = p2; // p1 references p2
p2->other = p1; // p2 references p1

// Oops, the reference count of of p1 and p2 never goes to zero!
// The objects are never destroyed!

为了解决这个问题,Boost 和 C++11 都定义了 weak_ptr 来定义对 shared_ptr 的弱(未计数)引用。

原文由 Lloyd 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 4.0 许可协议




现代 C++ 习语:

 RAII: Resource Acquisition Is Initialization.

● When you initialize an object, it should already have
  acquired any resources it needs (in the constructor).

● When an object goes out of scope, it should release every
  resource it is using (using the destructor).


 ● There should never be a half-ready or half-dead object.
● When an object is created, it should be in a ready state.
● When an object goes out of scope, it should release its resources.
● The user shouldn’t have to do anything more.

原始指针违反 RAII :当指针超出范围时需要用户手动删除。

RAII 解决方案是:

 Have a smart pointer class:
● Allocates the memory when initialized
● Frees the memory when destructor is called
● Allows access to underlying pointer

对于需要复制和共享的智能指针,请使用 shared_ptr:

 ● use another memory to store Reference counting and shared.
● increment when copy, decrement when destructor.
● delete memory when Reference counting is 0.
  also delete memory that store Reference counting.


 ● not change Reference counting.

shared_ptr 用法:

 correct way:
std::shared_ptr<T> t1 = std::make_shared<T>(TArgs);
std::shared_ptr<T> t2 = std::shared_ptr<T>(new T(Targs));

wrong way:
T* pt = new T(TArgs); // never exposure the raw pointer
shared_ptr<T> t1 = shared_ptr<T>(pt);
shared_ptr<T> t2 = shared_ptr<T>(pt);




对于非 nullptr 的原始指针,请改用引用。

 not use T*
use T&

对于可能为 nullptr 的可选引用,请使用原始指针,这意味着:

 T* pt; is optional reference and maybe nullptr.
Not own the raw pointer,
Raw pointer is managed by some one else.
I only know that the caller is sure it is not released now.

原文由 lbsweek 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 4.0 许可协议

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