C Exceptions 关于重新抛出原始异常的问题



 try {
} catch (myErr &err) {
  err.append("Add to my message here");
  throw; // Does the rethrow exception reflect the call to append()?

同样,如果我这样重写,如果实际异常是由 myErr 派生的,是否会发生位切片?

 try {
} catch (myErr &err) {
  err.append("Add to my message's base class here");
  throw err; // Do I lose the derived class exception and only get myErr?

原文由 WilliamKF 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 4.0 许可协议

阅读 740
2 个回答

在这两种情况下,由于您通过引用捕获,因此您实际上是在更改原始异常对象的状态(您可以将其视为驻留在 一个神奇的内存位置,该位置将在随后的展开期间保持有效 0x98e7058 在下面的示例中)。然而,

  1. 在第一种情况下,由于您使用 throw; throw err; ,通过您的修改,保留原始异常对象,在 0x98e7058 的“神奇位置”中 --- ) 反映对 append() 的调用
  2. 在第二种情况下,由于您明确抛出一些东西,因此将创建 err副本,然后重新抛出(在不同的“神奇位置” 0x98e70b0 因为所有编译器都知道 err could be an object on the stack about to be unwinded, like e was at 0xbfbce430 , not in the “magical location” at 0x98e7058 ),因此在基类实例的复制构造过程中, 您将丢失派生类特定的数据


 #include <stdio.h>

struct MyErr {
  MyErr() {
    printf("  Base default constructor, this=%p\n", this);
  MyErr(const MyErr& other) {
    printf("  Base copy-constructor, this=%p from that=%p\n", this, &other);
  virtual ~MyErr() {
    printf("  Base destructor, this=%p\n", this);

struct MyErrDerived : public MyErr {
  MyErrDerived() {
    printf("  Derived default constructor, this=%p\n", this);
  MyErrDerived(const MyErrDerived& other) {
    printf("  Derived copy-constructor, this=%p from that=%p\n", this, &other);
  virtual ~MyErrDerived() {
    printf("  Derived destructor, this=%p\n", this);

int main() {
  try {
    try {
      MyErrDerived e;
      throw e;
    } catch (MyErr& err) {
      printf("A Inner catch, &err=%p\n", &err);
  } catch (MyErr& err) {
    printf("A Outer catch, &err=%p\n", &err);
  try {
    try {
      MyErrDerived e;
      throw e;
    } catch (MyErr& err) {
      printf("B Inner catch, &err=%p\n", &err);
      throw err;
  } catch (MyErr& err) {
    printf("B Outer catch, &err=%p\n", &err);
  return 0;


   Base default constructor, this=0xbfbce430
  Derived default constructor, this=0xbfbce430
  Base default constructor, this=0x98e7058
  Derived copy-constructor, this=0x98e7058 from that=0xbfbce430
  Derived destructor, this=0xbfbce430
  Base destructor, this=0xbfbce430
A Inner catch, &err=0x98e7058
A Outer catch, &err=0x98e7058
  Derived destructor, this=0x98e7058
  Base destructor, this=0x98e7058
  Base default constructor, this=0xbfbce430
  Derived default constructor, this=0xbfbce430
  Base default constructor, this=0x98e7058
  Derived copy-constructor, this=0x98e7058 from that=0xbfbce430
  Derived destructor, this=0xbfbce430
  Base destructor, this=0xbfbce430
B Inner catch, &err=0x98e7058
  Base copy-constructor, this=0x98e70b0 from that=0x98e7058
  Derived destructor, this=0x98e7058
  Base destructor, this=0x98e7058
B Outer catch, &err=0x98e70b0
  Base destructor, this=0x98e70b0


原文由 vladr 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 3.0 许可协议


但对于第二个,请参阅弗拉德的回答。您将需要仔细设计您的异常对象来处理复制 ctor。按照惯例,基类无法识别其子类,因此您很可能会丢失派生类携带的额外数据。

原文由 YeenFei 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 2.5 许可协议

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