从 C 中的类访问私有变量


我正在做一个项目,我想在一个类中声明私有变量,因为我在很多地方都读到它比将它们声明为 public 更好,但是我如何在 main 中访问它们?我应该使用什么样的功能来使它们可以访问?我想通过一个不是像我所做的那样来自 main 的函数来解决系统问题。到目前为止,这是我的代码,

 #include <iostream>
#include <limits>

using namespace std;

class Equation
        int a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2;


int main()
    int a, b, c, d, e, f;
    cout << "\n" << endl;
    cout << "                        **** Hello ****               \n\n" << endl;
    cout << "This is a program to solve a system of equation" << endl;
    cout << "Equations will look like a1*x+b1*y=c1" << endl;
    cout << "and  a2*x+b2*y=c2\n" << endl;
    cout << "Enter the values for the first equation \n" << endl;

    while ((cout << "Enter the value of a1 :\n") && !(cin >> a))
        cout << "Invalid input, please enter a number \n" << endl;
        cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');

    while ((cout << "Enter the value of a2 :\n") && !(cin >> b))
        cout << "Invalid input, please enter a number \n" << endl;
        cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');

    while ((cout << "Enter the value of b1 :\n") && !(cin >> c))
        cout << "Invalid input, please enter a number \n" << endl;
        cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');

    while ((cout << "Enter the value of b2 :\n") && !(cin >> d))
        cout << "Invalid input, please enter a number \n" << endl;
        cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');

    while ((cout << "Enter the value of c1 :\n") && !(cin >> e))
        cout << "Invalid input, please enter a number \n" << endl;
        cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');

    while ((cout << "Enter the value of c2 :\n") && !(cin >> f))
        cout << "Invalid input, please enter a number \n" << endl;
        cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');

    cout << "The first equation is : " << a << "x" <<
        "+" << c << "y" <<
        "=" << e << "\n" <<

    cout << "The second equation is : " << b << "x" <<
        "+" << d << "y" <<
        "=" << f << "\n" <<

    double x = ((c * e) - (b * f)) / ((a * e) - (b * d));
    double y = ((a * f) - (c * d)) / ((a * e) - (b * d));

    cout << "The solution of the system is " <<
        "x = " << x << "\t" <<
        "y = " << y <<
        "\n\n" <<endl;
    cout << "                        **** Thank You ****                 " << endl;

    return 0;

原文由 Germelinda Musliaj 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 4.0 许可协议

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1 个回答


另一个要点是关注点分离。基本上,如果您要执行的操作需要一个对象来更改其变量,则让对象处理该操作。实现这一点的方法是在类的公共部分声明一个函数,让您的客户(与您的类交互的任何代码) “请求” 该类进行更改并让您的类处理该更改。这是信任你的课程的第二步(我喜欢称之为 Empowering your classes )。是否需要使用您的类来更改数据?让你的班级去做。不要让其他实体通过命令你的班级来欺负你的班级。让他们问,不要乞求。

抛开所有的玩笑不谈, GettersSetters 是(可以说)这种方法令人作呕的副产品。从技术上讲,在您的班级中有这些符合面向对象编程的方案,因为您正在为您的客户提供一个接口来与您的数据进行交互。但是,它的工作方式与我们首先使用访问修饰符的原因背道而驰。这样的做法在计算机科学中通常被称为 anti-patterns ,这意味着它是一种变异的、危险的模式形式。我个人认为 Getters 并不那么糟糕,但 Setters 是各种讨厌的错误的根源。

RobClucas 的回答将是我要采取的方向。但不是通过构造函数发送数据,我还将输入读取功能带入 EquationSolver 类。这种方法似乎更类似于您最初计划做的事情,并且涉及的代码更改更少。


 class EquationSolver {
    void GetEquationParameters() {
        /* This is where your while(cin) blocks are
         You are reading information directly into this class' paramters

        See how you're "asking" this class to read data from the user.

        while ((cout << "Enter the value of a1 :\n")
            && !(cin >> a1)) {
            cout << "Invalid input, please enter a number \n" << endl;
            cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');

        while ((cout << "Enter the value of a2 :\n")
            && !(cin >> a2)) {
            cout << "Invalid input, please enter a number \n" << endl;
            cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');

        while ((cout << "Enter the value of b1 :\n")
            && !(cin >> b1)) {
            cout << "Invalid input, please enter a number \n" << endl;
            cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');

        while ((cout << "Enter the value of b2 :\n")
            && !(cin >> b2)) {
            cout << "Invalid input, please enter a number \n" << endl;
            cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');

        while ((cout << "Enter the value of c1 :\n")
            && !(cin >> c1)) {
            cout << "Invalid input, please enter a number \n" << endl;
            cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');

        while ((cout << "Enter the value of c2 :\n")
            && !(cin >> c2)) {
            cout << "Invalid input, please enter a number \n" << endl;
            cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');

     * Functions for your client to use to get the final data.
     * Former is the C++ style that returns both values as a pair.
     * Latter is the sweet sweet C style where you fill x and y inside the function.
     * Latter is less data transaction if you care about performance that much.
    std::pair<double, double> SolveEquationSystem() const {
        double x = (b1*c1 - a2*c2) / (a1*c1 - a2*b2);
        double y = (a1*c2 - b1*b2) / (a1*c1 - a2*b2);

        return std::pair<double, double>(x, y);
    void SolveEquationSystem(double * x, double * y) const {
        *x = (b1*c1 - a2*c2) / (a1*c1 - a2*b2);
        *y = (a1*c2 - b1*b2) / (a1*c1 - a2*b2);

     * Human readable print
    void PrintEquation() {
        cout << "The first equation is : " << a1 << "x" << "+" << b1 << "y" << "=" << c1 << "\n" << endl;
        cout << "The second equation is : " << a2 << "x" << "+" << b2 << "y" << "=" << c2 << "\n" << endl;
    int a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2;

在 main 函数中,这是你使用它的方式:

 void main() {
    cout << "\n" << endl;
    cout << "                        **** Hello ****               \n\n" << endl;
    cout << "This is a program to solve a system of equation" << endl;
        cout << "Equations will look like a1*x+b1*y=c1" << endl;
    cout << "and  a2*x+b2*y=c2\n" << endl;
    cout << "Enter the values for the first equation \n" << endl;

    // Create solver
    EquationSolver solver;

    // Ask solver to get parameters from the user
    // Ask solver to print equation in human readable format

    double x, y;
    // Ask solver to do what it's supposed to do
    solver.SolveEquationSystem(&x, &y);

    cout << "The solution of the system is " << "x = " << x << "\t" << "y = " << y << "\n\n" << endl;
    cout << "                        **** Thank You ****                 " << endl;


看看我是如何与班级互动的。作为客户 main ,我 要求 提供给我的课程以采取行动。我要求它获取将要使用 参数,然后要求它使用 它的 数据来解决系统问题。这样,如果出现错误,则与课程无关;这是我使用课程的方式。

旁注:尽量不要使用 using namespace std 。我知道学校教你使用它,但这只是你的老师懒惰。 using namespace x 将整个命名空间包含在头文件中,虽然对于小型项目来说没什么大不了的,但随着项目规模的扩大,它可能会导致一些严重的问题。

If you really want to get rid of std:: , say for cout and endl , then you can use using std::cout; and using std::endl; 而不是整个命名空间。不过,对于非特定功能,我仍然建议您使用 std:: (例如,我将其用于 std::numeric_limits 以指定我不是所有者,我是只是使用它)。

原文由 gamiseta 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 3.0 许可协议

  • 和开发者交流问题的细节
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