最简单最整洁的c 11 ScopeGuard


我正在尝试编写一个 基于 Alexandrescu 概念但使用 c++11 习语的简单 ScopeGuard

 namespace RAII
    template< typename Lambda >
    class ScopeGuard
        mutable bool committed;
        Lambda rollbackLambda;

            ScopeGuard( const Lambda& _l) : committed(false) , rollbackLambda(_l) {}

            template< typename AdquireLambda >
            ScopeGuard( const AdquireLambda& _al , const Lambda& _l) : committed(false) , rollbackLambda(_l)

                if (!committed)
            inline void commit() const { committed = true; }

    template< typename aLambda , typename rLambda>
    const ScopeGuard< rLambda >& makeScopeGuard( const aLambda& _a , const rLambda& _r)
        return ScopeGuard< rLambda >( _a , _r );

    template<typename rLambda>
    const ScopeGuard< rLambda >& makeScopeGuard(const rLambda& _r)
        return ScopeGuard< rLambda >(_r );


 void SomeFuncThatShouldBehaveAtomicallyInCaseOfExceptions()
   std::vector<int> myVec;
   std::vector<int> someOtherVec;

   //first constructor, adquire happens elsewhere
   const auto& a = RAII::makeScopeGuard( [&]() { myVec.pop_back(); } );

   //sintactically neater, since everything happens in a single line
   const auto& b = RAII::makeScopeGuard( [&]() { someOtherVec.push_back(42); }
                     , [&]() { someOtherVec.pop_back(); } );


由于我的版本比那里的大多数示例(如 Boost ScopeExit)短得多,我想知道我遗漏了哪些专业。希望我在这里处于 8020 的场景中(我得到了 80% 的整洁度和 20% 的代码行),但我不禁想知道我是否遗漏了一些重要的东西,或者是否有一些缺点值得提到这个版本的 ScopeGuard 成语


编辑 我注意到 makeScopeGuard 的一个非常重要的问题,它在构造函数中采用了 adquire lambda。如果 adquire lambda 抛出,则永远不会调用 release lambda,因为范围保护从未完全构造。在许多情况下,这是所需的行为,但我觉得有时也需要一个在抛出发生时调用回滚的版本:

 //WARNING: only safe if adquire lambda does not throw, otherwise release lambda is never invoked, because the scope guard never finished initialistion..
template< typename aLambda , typename rLambda>
ScopeGuard< rLambda > // return by value is the preferred C++11 way.
makeScopeGuardThatDoesNOTRollbackIfAdquireThrows( aLambda&& _a , rLambda&& _r) // again perfect forwarding
    return ScopeGuard< rLambda >( std::forward<aLambda>(_a) , std::forward<rLambda>(_r )); // *** no longer UB, because we're returning by value

template< typename aLambda , typename rLambda>
ScopeGuard< rLambda > // return by value is the preferred C++11 way.
makeScopeGuardThatDoesRollbackIfAdquireThrows( aLambda&& _a , rLambda&& _r) // again perfect forwarding
    auto scope = ScopeGuard< rLambda >(std::forward<rLambda>(_r )); // *** no longer UB, because we're returning by value
    return scope;


 #include <vector>

namespace RAII

    template< typename Lambda >
    class ScopeGuard
        bool committed;
        Lambda rollbackLambda;

            ScopeGuard( const Lambda& _l) : committed(false) , rollbackLambda(_l) {}

            ScopeGuard( const ScopeGuard& _sc) : committed(false) , rollbackLambda(_sc.rollbackLambda)
                if (_sc.committed)
                   committed = true;

            ScopeGuard( ScopeGuard&& _sc) : committed(false) , rollbackLambda(_sc.rollbackLambda)
                if (_sc.committed)
                   committed = true;

            //WARNING: only safe if adquire lambda does not throw, otherwise release lambda is never invoked, because the scope guard never finished initialistion..
            template< typename AdquireLambda >
            ScopeGuard( const AdquireLambda& _al , const Lambda& _l) : committed(false) , rollbackLambda(_l)

            //WARNING: only safe if adquire lambda does not throw, otherwise release lambda is never invoked, because the scope guard never finished initialistion..
            template< typename AdquireLambda, typename L >
            ScopeGuard( AdquireLambda&& _al , L&& _l) : committed(false) , rollbackLambda(std::forward<L>(_l))
                std::forward<AdquireLambda>(_al)(); // just in case the functor has &&-qualified operator()

                if (!committed)
            inline void commit() { committed = true; }

    //WARNING: only safe if adquire lambda does not throw, otherwise release lambda is never invoked, because the scope guard never finished initialistion..
    template< typename aLambda , typename rLambda>
    ScopeGuard< rLambda > // return by value is the preferred C++11 way.
    makeScopeGuardThatDoesNOTRollbackIfAdquireThrows( aLambda&& _a , rLambda&& _r) // again perfect forwarding
        return ScopeGuard< rLambda >( std::forward<aLambda>(_a) , std::forward<rLambda>(_r )); // *** no longer UB, because we're returning by value

    template< typename aLambda , typename rLambda>
    ScopeGuard< rLambda > // return by value is the preferred C++11 way.
    makeScopeGuardThatDoesRollbackIfAdquireThrows( aLambda&& _a , rLambda&& _r) // again perfect forwarding
        auto scope = ScopeGuard< rLambda >(std::forward<rLambda>(_r )); // *** no longer UB, because we're returning by value
        return scope;

    template<typename rLambda>
    ScopeGuard< rLambda > makeScopeGuard(rLambda&& _r)
        return ScopeGuard< rLambda >( std::forward<rLambda>(_r ));

    namespace basic_usage
        struct Test

            std::vector<int> myVec;
            std::vector<int> someOtherVec;
            bool shouldThrow;
            void run()
                shouldThrow = true;
                } catch (...)
                    AssertMsg( myVec.size() == 0 && someOtherVec.size() == 0 , "rollback did not work");
                shouldThrow = false;
                AssertMsg( myVec.size() == 1 && someOtherVec.size() == 1 , "unexpected end state");
                shouldThrow = true;
                myVec.clear(); someOtherVec.clear();
                } catch (...)
                    AssertMsg( myVec.size() == 0 && someOtherVec.size() == 0 , "rollback did not work");

            void SomeFuncThatShouldBehaveAtomicallyInCaseOfExceptionsUsingScopeGuardsThatDoesNOTRollbackIfAdquireThrows() //throw()

                auto a = RAII::makeScopeGuard( [&]() { HAssertMsg( myVec.size() > 0 , "attempt to call pop_back() in empty myVec"); myVec.pop_back(); } );

                auto b = RAII::makeScopeGuardThatDoesNOTRollbackIfAdquireThrows( [&]() { someOtherVec.push_back(42); }
                                    , [&]() { HAssertMsg( myVec.size() > 0 , "attempt to call pop_back() in empty someOtherVec"); someOtherVec.pop_back(); } );

                if (shouldThrow) throw 1;


            void SomeFuncThatShouldBehaveAtomicallyInCaseOfExceptionsUsingScopeGuardsThatDoesRollbackIfAdquireThrows() //throw()
                auto a = RAII::makeScopeGuard( [&]() { HAssertMsg( myVec.size() > 0 , "attempt to call pop_back() in empty myVec"); myVec.pop_back(); } );

                auto b = RAII::makeScopeGuardThatDoesRollbackIfAdquireThrows( [&]() { someOtherVec.push_back(42); if (shouldThrow) throw 1; }
                                    , [&]() { HAssertMsg( myVec.size() > 0 , "attempt to call pop_back() in empty someOtherVec"); someOtherVec.pop_back(); } );


原文由 lurscher 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 4.0 许可协议

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2 个回答

Boost.ScopeExit 是一个需要与非 C++11 代码一起工作的宏,即无法访问该语言中的 lambda 的代码。它使用了一些巧妙的模板技巧(例如滥用模板和比较运算符使用 < 所产生的歧义!)和预处理器来模拟 lambda 功能。这就是代码更长的原因。


由于您正在尝试使用 C++11 功能,因此可以通过使用移动语义、右值引用和完美转发来大大改进代码:

 template< typename Lambda >
class ScopeGuard
    bool committed; // not mutable
    Lambda rollbackLambda;

        // make sure this is not a copy ctor
        template <typename L,
                  DisableIf<std::is_same<RemoveReference<RemoveCv<L>>, ScopeGuard<Lambda>>> =_
        /* see http://loungecpp.net/w/EnableIf_in_C%2B%2B11
         * and http://stackoverflow.com/q/10180552/46642 for info on DisableIf
        explicit ScopeGuard(L&& _l)
        // explicit, unless you want implicit conversions from *everything*
        : committed(false)
        , rollbackLambda(std::forward<L>(_l)) // avoid copying unless necessary

        template< typename AdquireLambda, typename L >
        ScopeGuard( AdquireLambda&& _al , L&& _l) : committed(false) , rollbackLambda(std::forward<L>(_l))
            std::forward<AdquireLambda>(_al)(); // just in case the functor has &&-qualified operator()

        // move constructor
        ScopeGuard(ScopeGuard&& that)
        : committed(that.committed)
        , rollbackLambda(std::move(that.rollbackLambda)) {
            that.committed = true;

            if (!committed)
                rollbackLambda(); // what if this throws?
        void commit() { committed = true; } // no need for const

template< typename aLambda , typename rLambda>
ScopeGuard< rLambda > // return by value is the preferred C++11 way.
makeScopeGuard( aLambda&& _a , rLambda&& _r) // again perfect forwarding
    return ScopeGuard< rLambda >( std::forward<aLambda>(_a) , std::forward<rLambda>(_r )); // *** no longer UB, because we're returning by value

template<typename rLambda>
ScopeGuard< rLambda > makeScopeGuard(rLambda&& _r)
    return ScopeGuard< rLambda >( std::forward<rLambda>(_r ));

原文由 R. Martinho Fernandes 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 3.0 许可协议

这是我在 C++17 中提出的一个。将其移植到 C++11 和/或添加停用选项很简单:

 template<class F>
struct scope_guard
    F f_;
    ~scope_guard() { f_(); }

template<class F> scope_guard(F) -> scope_guard<F>;


 void foo()
    scope_guard sg1{ []{...} };
    auto sg2 = scope_guard{ []{...} };

编辑: 在同一个键这里是只在“异常”时关闭的警卫:

 #include <exception>

template<class F>
struct xguard
    F   f_;
    int count_ = std::uncaught_exceptions();

    ~xguard() { if (std::uncaught_exceptions() != count_) f_(); }

template<class F> xguard(F) -> xguard<F>;


 void foobar()
    xguard xg{ []{...} };
    // no need to deactivate if everything is good

    xguard{ []{...} },   // will go off only if foo() or bar() throw

    // 2nd guard is no longer alive here

原文由 C.M. 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 4.0 许可协议

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