/Users/vivekreddy/Desktop/Vivek/School/Spring 2016/CS32/project 3/project 3/Player.cpp:114:18:调用“BadPlayerImpl”的隐式删除的默认构造函数
#include "provided.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class HumanPlayerImpl:public Player
virtual bool isInteractive() const { return true;};
int chooseMove(const Scaffold& s, int N, int color);
class BadPlayerImpl: public Player
int chooseMove(const Scaffold& s, int N, int color);
class SmartPlayerImpl: public Player
virtual bool isInteractive() const { return true;};
int chooseMove(const Scaffold& s, int N, int color);
//put virtual in front of implementations only or declarations here as well?
int HumanPlayerImpl::chooseMove(const Scaffold& s, int N, int color) //goal is to get N in a row, return the column necessary to put the checker so we could do that. otherwise return -1. can make the column be arbitrary
//algorithm is inputting N so maybe don't need this check?
if (N>s.cols()||N<=0) {
cout<<"Enter a number within the valid range of columns you specified";
return -1;
return -1;
int columnnum;
while (columnnum<=s.cols()||columnnum<=0) {
cout<<"Enter column number of your move";
if (columnnum<=s.cols()) {
return columnnum;
cout<<"Column number not valid ";
return -1; //OK?
int BadPlayerImpl::chooseMove(const Scaffold& s, int N, int color)
if ((N>=s.cols()&&N>=s.levels())||N<=0) { //make sure this works
cout<<"Enter a number within the valid range of columns you specified";
return -1;
for (int j=0; j<s.cols();j++) {
if (s.checkerAt(j,0)==VACANT) {
return j;
return -1; //see if this OK
int SmartPlayerImpl::chooseMove(const Scaffold& s, int N, int color)
return -1; // This is not always correct; it's just here to compile
//******************** Player derived class functions *************************
// These functions simply delegate to the Impl classes' functions.
// You probably don't want to change any of this code.
HumanPlayer::HumanPlayer(string nm)
: Player(nm)
m_impl = new HumanPlayerImpl; //error is here
delete m_impl;
int HumanPlayer::chooseMove(const Scaffold& s, int N, int color)
return m_impl->chooseMove(s, N, color);
BadPlayer::BadPlayer(string nm)
: Player(nm)
m_impl = new BadPlayerImpl; //error is here
delete m_impl;
int BadPlayer::chooseMove(const Scaffold& s, int N, int color)
return m_impl->chooseMove(s, N, color);
SmartPlayer::SmartPlayer(string nm)
: Player(nm)
m_impl = new SmartPlayerImpl; //error is here
delete m_impl;
int SmartPlayer::chooseMove(const Scaffold& s, int N, int color)
return m_impl->chooseMove(s, N, color);
下面是我对作为基类的 Player 类的声明:
class Player
Player(std::string nm) : m_name(nm) {}
virtual ~Player() {};
std::string name() const { return m_name; };
virtual bool isInteractive() const { return false; }
virtual int chooseMove(const Scaffold& s, int N, int color) = 0;
// We prevent any kind of Player object from being copied or assigned by
// making the copy constructor and assignment operator unavailable in
// the base class (and thus in any derived class).
Player(const Player& other) = delete;
Player& operator=(const Player& other) = delete;
std::string m_name;
原文由 Vivek Reddy 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 4.0 许可协议
Player::Player(std::string nm)
不能默认构造在首位。在您的子类中提供构造函数或继承基类 (C++11) 的构造函数。例如: