忽略 clang-tidy 中的系统头文件


tldr;> 如何在 clang-tidy 中隐藏来自系统标头的警告?


 #include <future>

int main() {
  std::promise<int> p;

在 Ubuntu 17.04 上使用 clang-tidy 4.0.0 使用 libstdc++ 7.0.1 调用它:

 $ clang-tidy main.cpp -extra-arg=-std=c++14


Running without flags.
1 warning generated.
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7.0.1/../../../../include/c++/7.0.1/mutex:693:5: warning: Address of stack memory associated with local variable '__callable' is still referred to by the global variable '__once_callable' upon returning to the caller.  This will be a dangling reference [clang-analyzer-core.StackAddressEscape]
/home/user/main.cpp:5:3: note: Calling 'promise::set_value'
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7.0.1/../../../../include/c++/7.0.1/future:1094:9: note: Calling '_State_baseV2::_M_set_result'
      { _M_future->_M_set_result(_State::__setter(this, std::move(__r))); }
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7.0.1/../../../../include/c++/7.0.1/future:401:2: note: Calling 'call_once'
        call_once(_M_once, &_State_baseV2::_M_do_set, this,
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7.0.1/../../../../include/c++/7.0.1/mutex:691:11: note: Assuming '__e' is 0
      if (__e)
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7.0.1/../../../../include/c++/7.0.1/mutex:691:7: note: Taking false branch
      if (__e)
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7.0.1/../../../../include/c++/7.0.1/mutex:693:5: note: Address of stack memory associated with local variable '__callable' is still referred to by the global variable '__once_callable' upon returning to the caller.  This will be a dangling reference


 $ clang-tidy -extra-arg=-std=c++14 main.cpp -header-filter=$(realpath .) -system-headers=0


原文由 Heinzi 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 4.0 许可协议

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我也遇到了这个问题,并花了一些时间试图弄清楚,但我看不到在 clang-tidy 中禁用此类警告的方法。

通过阅读 关于 LLVM issue tracker 关于类似问题的讨论,我得到的印象是,从 clang-tidy 的角度来看,警告实际上位于 main.cpp ,因为调用 set_value 来自那里。

我的解决方法是禁用 clang-tidy 中的静态分析检查,并使用 scan-build 实用程序 运行 clang 的静态分析,这似乎可以避免这些问题。例如,使用您的 main.cpp

 $ scan-build-3.9 clang++ -std=c++14 main.cpp
scan-build: Using '/usr/lib/llvm-3.9/bin/clang' for static analysis
In file included from main.cpp:1:
In file included from /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/6.3.0/../../../../include/c++/6.3.0/future:39:
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/6.3.0/../../../../include/c++/6.3.0/mutex:621:11: warning: Address of stack memory associated with local variable '__callable' is still referred to by the global variable '__once_callable' upon returning to the caller.  This will be a dangling reference
      if (__e)
1 warning generated.
scan-build: Removing directory '/tmp/scan-build-2017-12-02-112018-13035-1' because it contains no reports.
scan-build: No bugs found.

分析器在系统标头中发现了相同的错误,但它足够聪明,不会将其包含在最终报告中。 (“未发现错误”)

如果您对样式指南类型警告感兴趣,您仍然需要单独运行 clang-tidy,例如 modernize-*readability-*

原文由 Jason Creighton 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 3.0 许可协议

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