将数据从 std::vector 写入文本文件的快速方法



 std::ofstream fout;

for (l = 0; l < vector.size(); l++)
    fout << std::setprecision(10) << vector.at(l) << std::endl;



原文由 Diego Fernando Pava 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 4.0 许可协议

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  1. 将双数序列化为字符串或字符缓冲区。

  2. 将结果写入文件。

使用 sprintf 或 fmt 可以改进第一项(> 20%)。第二项可以通过将结果缓存到缓冲区或在将结果写入输出文件之前扩展输出文件流缓冲区大小来加快速度。您不应该使用 std::endl ,因为 它比使用 “\n” 慢得多。如果您仍然想让它更快,那么以二进制格式写入数据。下面是我的完整代码示例,其中包括我提出的解决方案和来自 Edgar Rokyan 的解决方案。我还在测试代码中包含了 Ben Voigt 和 Matthieu M 的建议。

 #include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>

// https://github.com/fmtlib/fmt
#include "fmt/format.h"

// http://uscilab.github.io/cereal/
#include "cereal/archives/binary.hpp"
#include "cereal/archives/json.hpp"
#include "cereal/archives/portable_binary.hpp"
#include "cereal/archives/xml.hpp"
#include "cereal/types/string.hpp"
#include "cereal/types/vector.hpp"

// https://github.com/DigitalInBlue/Celero
#include "celero/Celero.h"

template <typename T> const char* getFormattedString();
template<> const char* getFormattedString<double>(){return "%g\n";}
template<> const char* getFormattedString<float>(){return "%g\n";}
template<> const char* getFormattedString<int>(){return "%d\n";}
template<> const char* getFormattedString<size_t>(){return "%lu\n";}

namespace {
    constexpr size_t LEN = 32;

    template <typename T> std::vector<T> create_test_data(const size_t N) {
        std::vector<T> data(N);
        for (size_t idx = 0; idx < N; ++idx) {
            data[idx] = idx;
        return data;

    template <typename Iterator> auto toVectorOfChar(Iterator begin, Iterator end) {
        char aLine[LEN];
        std::vector<char> buffer;
        buffer.reserve(std::distance(begin, end) * LEN);
        const char* fmtStr = getFormattedString<typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type>();
        std::for_each(begin, end, [&buffer, &aLine, &fmtStr](const auto value) {
            sprintf(aLine, fmtStr, value);
            for (size_t idx = 0; aLine[idx] != 0; ++idx) {
        return buffer;

    template <typename Iterator>
    auto toStringStream(Iterator begin, Iterator end, std::stringstream &buffer) {
        char aLine[LEN];
        const char* fmtStr = getFormattedString<typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type>();
        std::for_each(begin, end, [&buffer, &aLine, &fmtStr](const auto value) {
            sprintf(aLine, fmtStr, value);
            buffer << aLine;

    template <typename Iterator> auto toMemoryWriter(Iterator begin, Iterator end) {
        fmt::MemoryWriter writer;
        std::for_each(begin, end, [&writer](const auto value) { writer << value << "\n"; });
        return writer;

    // A modified version of the original approach.
    template <typename Container>
    void original_approach(const Container &data, const std::string &fileName) {
        std::ofstream fout(fileName);
        for (size_t l = 0; l < data.size(); l++) {
            fout << data[l] << std::endl;

    // Replace std::endl by "\n"
    template <typename Iterator>
    void improved_original_approach(Iterator begin, Iterator end, const std::string &fileName) {
        std::ofstream fout(fileName);
        const size_t len = std::distance(begin, end) * LEN;
        std::vector<char> buffer(len);
        fout.rdbuf()->pubsetbuf(buffer.data(), len);
        for (Iterator it = begin; it != end; ++it) {
            fout << *it << "\n";

    template <typename Iterator>
    void edgar_rokyan_solution(Iterator begin, Iterator end, const std::string &fileName) {
        std::ofstream fout(fileName);
        std::copy(begin, end, std::ostream_iterator<double>(fout, "\n"));

    // Cache to a string stream before writing to the output file
    template <typename Iterator>
    void stringstream_approach(Iterator begin, Iterator end, const std::string &fileName) {
        std::stringstream buffer;
        for (Iterator it = begin; it != end; ++it) {
            buffer << *it << "\n";

        // Now write to the output file.
        std::ofstream fout(fileName);
        fout << buffer.str();

    // Use sprintf
    template <typename Iterator>
    void sprintf_approach(Iterator begin, Iterator end, const std::string &fileName) {
        std::stringstream buffer;
        toStringStream(begin, end, buffer);
        std::ofstream fout(fileName);
        fout << buffer.str();

    // Use fmt::MemoryWriter (https://github.com/fmtlib/fmt)
    template <typename Iterator>
    void fmt_approach(Iterator begin, Iterator end, const std::string &fileName) {
        auto writer = toMemoryWriter(begin, end);
        std::ofstream fout(fileName);
        fout << writer.str();

    // Use std::vector<char>
    template <typename Iterator>
    void vector_of_char_approach(Iterator begin, Iterator end, const std::string &fileName) {
        std::vector<char> buffer = toVectorOfChar(begin, end);
        std::ofstream fout(fileName);
        fout << buffer.data();

    // Use cereal (http://uscilab.github.io/cereal/).
    template <typename Container, typename OArchive = cereal::BinaryOutputArchive>
    void use_cereal(Container &&data, const std::string &fileName) {
        std::stringstream buffer;
            OArchive oar(buffer);

        std::ofstream fout(fileName);
        fout << buffer.str();

// Performance test input data.
constexpr int NumberOfSamples = 5;
constexpr int NumberOfIterations = 2;
constexpr int N = 3000000;
const auto double_data = create_test_data<double>(N);
const auto float_data = create_test_data<float>(N);
const auto int_data = create_test_data<int>(N);
const auto size_t_data = create_test_data<size_t>(N);


BASELINE(DoubleVector, original_approach, NumberOfSamples, NumberOfIterations) {
    const std::string fileName("origsol.txt");
    original_approach(double_data, fileName);

BENCHMARK(DoubleVector, improved_original_approach, NumberOfSamples, NumberOfIterations) {
    const std::string fileName("improvedsol.txt");
    improved_original_approach(double_data.cbegin(), double_data.cend(), fileName);

BENCHMARK(DoubleVector, edgar_rokyan_solution, NumberOfSamples, NumberOfIterations) {
    const std::string fileName("edgar_rokyan_solution.txt");
    edgar_rokyan_solution(double_data.cbegin(), double_data.end(), fileName);

BENCHMARK(DoubleVector, stringstream_approach, NumberOfSamples, NumberOfIterations) {
    const std::string fileName("stringstream.txt");
    stringstream_approach(double_data.cbegin(), double_data.cend(), fileName);

BENCHMARK(DoubleVector, sprintf_approach, NumberOfSamples, NumberOfIterations) {
    const std::string fileName("sprintf.txt");
    sprintf_approach(double_data.cbegin(), double_data.cend(), fileName);

BENCHMARK(DoubleVector, fmt_approach, NumberOfSamples, NumberOfIterations) {
    const std::string fileName("fmt.txt");
    fmt_approach(double_data.cbegin(), double_data.cend(), fileName);

BENCHMARK(DoubleVector, vector_of_char_approach, NumberOfSamples, NumberOfIterations) {
    const std::string fileName("vector_of_char.txt");
    vector_of_char_approach(double_data.cbegin(), double_data.cend(), fileName);

BENCHMARK(DoubleVector, use_cereal, NumberOfSamples, NumberOfIterations) {
    const std::string fileName("cereal.bin");
    use_cereal(double_data, fileName);

// Benchmark double vector
BASELINE(DoubleVectorConversion, toStringStream, NumberOfSamples, NumberOfIterations) {
    std::stringstream output;
    toStringStream(double_data.cbegin(), double_data.cend(), output);

BENCHMARK(DoubleVectorConversion, toMemoryWriter, NumberOfSamples, NumberOfIterations) {
    celero::DoNotOptimizeAway(toMemoryWriter(double_data.cbegin(), double_data.cend()));

BENCHMARK(DoubleVectorConversion, toVectorOfChar, NumberOfSamples, NumberOfIterations) {
    celero::DoNotOptimizeAway(toVectorOfChar(double_data.cbegin(), double_data.cend()));

// Benchmark float vector
BASELINE(FloatVectorConversion, toStringStream, NumberOfSamples, NumberOfIterations) {
    std::stringstream output;
    toStringStream(float_data.cbegin(), float_data.cend(), output);

BENCHMARK(FloatVectorConversion, toMemoryWriter, NumberOfSamples, NumberOfIterations) {
    celero::DoNotOptimizeAway(toMemoryWriter(float_data.cbegin(), float_data.cend()));

BENCHMARK(FloatVectorConversion, toVectorOfChar, NumberOfSamples, NumberOfIterations) {
    celero::DoNotOptimizeAway(toVectorOfChar(float_data.cbegin(), float_data.cend()));

// Benchmark int vector
BASELINE(int_conversion, toStringStream, NumberOfSamples, NumberOfIterations) {
    std::stringstream output;
    toStringStream(int_data.cbegin(), int_data.cend(), output);

BENCHMARK(int_conversion, toMemoryWriter, NumberOfSamples, NumberOfIterations) {
    celero::DoNotOptimizeAway(toMemoryWriter(int_data.cbegin(), int_data.cend()));

BENCHMARK(int_conversion, toVectorOfChar, NumberOfSamples, NumberOfIterations) {
    celero::DoNotOptimizeAway(toVectorOfChar(int_data.cbegin(), int_data.cend()));

// Benchmark size_t vector
BASELINE(size_t_conversion, toStringStream, NumberOfSamples, NumberOfIterations) {
    std::stringstream output;
    toStringStream(size_t_data.cbegin(), size_t_data.cend(), output);

BENCHMARK(size_t_conversion, toMemoryWriter, NumberOfSamples, NumberOfIterations) {
    celero::DoNotOptimizeAway(toMemoryWriter(size_t_data.cbegin(), size_t_data.cend()));

BENCHMARK(size_t_conversion, toVectorOfChar, NumberOfSamples, NumberOfIterations) {
    celero::DoNotOptimizeAway(toVectorOfChar(size_t_data.cbegin(), size_t_data.cend()));

下面是在我的 Linux 机器中使用 clang-3.9.1 和 -O3 标志获得的性能结果。我使用 Celero 收集所有性能结果。

 Timer resolution: 0.001000 us
     Group      |   Experiment    |   Prob. Space   |     Samples     |   Iterations    |    Baseline     |  us/Iteration   | Iterations/sec  |
DoubleVector    | original_approa | Null            |              10 |               4 |         1.00000 |   3650309.00000 |            0.27 |
DoubleVector    | improved_origin | Null            |              10 |               4 |         0.47828 |   1745855.00000 |            0.57 |
DoubleVector    | edgar_rokyan_so | Null            |              10 |               4 |         0.45804 |   1672005.00000 |            0.60 |
DoubleVector    | stringstream_ap | Null            |              10 |               4 |         0.41514 |   1515377.00000 |            0.66 |
DoubleVector    | sprintf_approac | Null            |              10 |               4 |         0.35436 |   1293521.50000 |            0.77 |
DoubleVector    | fmt_approach    | Null            |              10 |               4 |         0.34916 |   1274552.75000 |            0.78 |
DoubleVector    | vector_of_char_ | Null            |              10 |               4 |         0.34366 |   1254462.00000 |            0.80 |
DoubleVector    | use_cereal      | Null            |              10 |               4 |         0.04172 |    152291.25000 |            6.57 |

我还对数字到字符串的转换算法进行了基准测试,以比较 std::stringstream、fmt::MemoryWriter 和 std::vector 的性能。

 Timer resolution: 0.001000 us
     Group      |   Experiment    |   Prob. Space   |     Samples     |   Iterations    |    Baseline     |  us/Iteration   | Iterations/sec  |
DoubleVectorCon | toStringStream  | Null            |              10 |               4 |         1.00000 |   1272667.00000 |            0.79 |
FloatVectorConv | toStringStream  | Null            |              10 |               4 |         1.00000 |   1272573.75000 |            0.79 |
int_conversion  | toStringStream  | Null            |              10 |               4 |         1.00000 |    248709.00000 |            4.02 |
size_t_conversi | toStringStream  | Null            |              10 |               4 |         1.00000 |    252063.00000 |            3.97 |
DoubleVectorCon | toMemoryWriter  | Null            |              10 |               4 |         0.98468 |   1253165.50000 |            0.80 |
DoubleVectorCon | toVectorOfChar  | Null            |              10 |               4 |         0.97146 |   1236340.50000 |            0.81 |
FloatVectorConv | toMemoryWriter  | Null            |              10 |               4 |         0.98419 |   1252454.25000 |            0.80 |
FloatVectorConv | toVectorOfChar  | Null            |              10 |               4 |         0.97369 |   1239093.25000 |            0.81 |
int_conversion  | toMemoryWriter  | Null            |              10 |               4 |         0.11741 |     29200.50000 |           34.25 |
int_conversion  | toVectorOfChar  | Null            |              10 |               4 |         0.87105 |    216637.00000 |            4.62 |
size_t_conversi | toMemoryWriter  | Null            |              10 |               4 |         0.13746 |     34649.50000 |           28.86 |
size_t_conversi | toVectorOfChar  | Null            |              10 |               4 |         0.85345 |    215123.00000 |            4.65 |


  1. Edgar Rokyan 解决方案比 stringstream 解决方案慢 10%。使用 fmt 库的解决方案是对 double、int 和 size_t 三种研究数据类型的最佳解决方案。 sprintf + std::vector 解决方案比双数据类型的 fmt 解决方案快 1%。但是,我不推荐将 sprintf 用于生产代码的解决方案,因为它们不优雅(仍然以 C 风格编写)并且不能开箱即用地处理不同的数据类型,例如 int 或 size_t。

  2. 基准测试结果还表明, fmt 是高级整数数据类型序列化,因为它比其他方法至少快 7 倍。

  3. 如果我们使用二进制格式,我们可以将该算法加速 10 倍。这种方法比写入格式化的文本文件要快得多,因为我们只从内存到输出的原始复制。如果您想拥有更灵活和便携的解决方案,请尝试 谷物boost::serializationprotocol-buffer 。根据 这项性能研究,谷物似乎是最快的。

原文由 hungptit 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 3.0 许可协议

std::ofstream fout("vector.txt");
fout << std::setprecision(10);

for(auto const& x : vector)
    fout << x << '\n';

从理论上讲,我更改的所有代码在您的代码版本中性能更差,但 std::endl 才是真正的杀手std::vector::at (带有边界检查,您不需要)将是第二个,然后是您没有使用迭代器的事实。

为什么默认构造一个 std::ofstream 然后调用 open ,当你可以一步完成的时候?为什么要调用 close 当 RAII(析构函数)为您处理它时?你也可以打电话

fout << std::setprecision(10)


如下面评论中所述,如果您的向量是基本类型的元素,则使用 for(auto x : vector) 可能会获得更好的性能。测量运行时间/检查装配输出。


 for(l = 0; l < vector.size(); l++)

这是什么 l ?为什么要在循环之外声明它?看来您在外部范围内不需要它,所以不要。还有 后期增量


 for(size_t l = 0; l < vector.size(); ++l)


原文由 LogicStuff 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 3.0 许可协议

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