

当我运行以下命令时,我希望退出代码为 0,因为我的 combined 容器运行的测试成功退出,退出代码为 0。

 docker-compose up --build --exit-code-from combined

不幸的是,即使我的 combined 容器中的测试成功运行并且我以退出代码 0 退出该容器,我也始终收到退出代码 137(有关如何发生的更多详细信息,请参见下文)。

下面是我的 docker-compose 版本:

 docker-compose version 1.25.0, build 0a186604

根据这篇 文章,退出代码 137 可能是由于两个主要问题。

  1. 容器收到 docker stop 并且应用程序没有正常处理 SIGTERM
  2. 容器内存不足 (OOM)。

我知道 137 退出代码不是因为我的容器内存不足。 当我运行 docker inspect <container-id> 时,我可以看到“OOMKilled”为假,如下面的片段所示。我还为 Docker 引擎分配了 6GB 内存,这对于我的应用程序来说已经足够了。

        "Id": "db4a48c8e4bab69edff479b59d7697362762a8083db2b2088c58945fcb005625",
        "Created": "2019-12-12T01:43:16.9813461Z",
        "Path": "/scripts/init.sh",
        "Args": [],
        "State": {
            "Status": "exited",
            "Running": false,
            "Paused": false,
            "Restarting": false,
            "OOMKilled": false, <---- shows container did not run out of memory
            "Dead": false,
            "Pid": 0,
            "ExitCode": 137,
            "Error": "",
            "StartedAt": "2019-12-12T01:44:01.346592Z",
            "FinishedAt": "2019-12-12T01:44:11.5407553Z"

我的容器没有从 docker stop 退出,所以我认为第一个原因也与我的情况无关。

我的 Docker 容器是如何设置的

我有两个 Docker 容器:

  1. b-db - 包含我的数据库
  2. b-combined - 包含我的 Web 应用程序和一系列测试,这些测试在容器启动并运行后运行。

我正在使用 docker-compose.yml 文件来启动两个容器。

 version: '3'
            context: .
            dockerfile: ./docker/db/Dockerfile
        container_name: b-db
        restart: unless-stopped
            - dbdata:/data/db
            - "27017:27017"
            - app-network

            context: .
            dockerfile: ./docker/combined/Dockerfile
        container_name: b-combined
        restart: unless-stopped
        env_file: .env
            - "5000:5000"
            - "8080:8080"
            - app-network
            - db

        driver: bridge


以下是 --- 中的 combined 服务的 docker-compose.yml

 FROM cypress/included:3.4.1

WORKDIR /usr/src/app

COPY package*.json ./

RUN npm install

COPY . .


RUN npm install -g history-server nodemon

RUN npm run build-test


COPY ./docker/combined/init.sh /scripts/init.sh

RUN ["chmod", "+x", "/scripts/init.sh"]

ENTRYPOINT [ "/scripts/init.sh" ]

以下是我的 init.sh 文件中的内容。

# Start front end server
history-server dist -p 8080 &

# Start back end server that interacts with DB
nodemon -L server &

# Run tests
NODE_ENV=test $(npm bin)/cypress run --config video=false --browser chrome

# Error code of the test

echo "TEST ENDED WITH EXIT CODE OF: $test_exit_code"

# End front and backend server
kill -9 $front_pid
kill -9 $back_pid

# Exit with the error code of the test
echo "EXITING SCRIPT WITH EXIT CODE OF: $test_exit_code"
exit "$test_exit_code"

下面是我的 db 服务的 Dockerfile。它所做的只是将一些本地数据复制到 Docker 容器中,然后用这些数据初始化数据库。

 FROM  mongo:3.6.14-xenial

COPY ./dump/ /tmp/dump/

COPY mongo_restore.sh /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/

RUN chmod 777 /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/mongo_restore.sh

以下是 mongo_restore.sh 中的内容。

# Creates db using copied data
mongorestore /tmp/dump

下面是我运行 docker-compose up --build --exit-code-from combined; echo $? 时的最后几行输出。

b-combined | user disconnected
b-combined | Mongoose disconnected
b-combined | Mongoose disconnected through Heroku app shutdown
b-combined | TEST ENDED WITH EXIT CODE OF: 0 ===========================
b-combined | EXITING SCRIPT WITH EXIT CODE OF: 0 =====================================
Aborting on container exit...
Stopping b-combined   ... done

正如您在上面看到的,令人困惑的是,测试和脚本以退出代码 0 结束,因为我的所有测试都成功通过,但容器仍然以退出代码 137 退出。

更令人困惑的是,当我从我的 init.sh 文件中注释掉以下行(运行我的赛普拉斯集成测试)时,容器以 0 退出代码退出,如下所示。

 NODE_ENV=test $(npm bin)/cypress run --config video=false --browser chrome

下面是当我从 init.sh 注释掉/删除上述行时收到的输出,这是一个运行我的赛普拉斯集成测试的命令。

b-combined | TEST ENDED WITH EXIT CODE OF: 0 ===========================
b-combined | EXITING SCRIPT WITH EXIT CODE OF: 0 =====================================
Aborting on container exit...
Stopping b-combined   ... done

如何让 docker-compose 在我的测试成功运行时返回零退出代码,在测试失败时返回非零退出代码?


在调试模式下运行以下 docker-compose 命令后,我注意到 b-db 似乎在关闭时遇到了一些问题,并且可能因此收到来自 Docker 的 SIGKILL 信号。

 docker-compose --log-level DEBUG up --build --exit-code-from combined; echo $?


b-combined exited with code 0
Aborting on container exit...
http://localhost:None "GET /v1.25/containers/196f3e622847b4c4c82d8d761f9f19155561be961eecfe874bbb04def5b7c9e5/json HTTP/1.1" 200 None
http://localhost:None "GET /v1.25/containers/json?limit=-1&all=1&size=0&trunc_cmd=0&filters=%7B%22label%22%3A+%5B%22com.docker.compose.project%3Db-property%22%2C+%22com.docker.compose.oneoff%3DFalse%22%5D%7D HTTP/1.1" 200 3819
http://localhost:None "GET /v1.25/containers/196f3e622847b4c4c82d8d761f9f19155561be961eecfe874bbb04def5b7c9e5/json HTTP/1.1" 200 None
http://localhost:None "GET /v1.25/containers/0626d6bf49e5236440c82de4e969f31f4f86280d6f8f555f05b157fa53bae9b8/json HTTP/1.1" 200 None
http://localhost:None "GET /v1.25/containers/196f3e622847b4c4c82d8d761f9f19155561be961eecfe874bbb04def5b7c9e5/json HTTP/1.1" 200 None
http://localhost:None "GET /v1.25/containers/json?limit=-1&all=0&size=0&trunc_cmd=0&filters=%7B%22label%22%3A+%5B%22com.docker.compose.project%3Db-property%22%2C+%22com.docker.compose.oneoff%3DFalse%22%5D%7D HTTP/1.1" 200 4039
http://localhost:None "POST /v1.25/containers/196f3e622847b4c4c82d8d761f9f19155561be961eecfe874bbb04def5b7c9e5/attach?logs=0&stdout=1&stderr=1&stream=1 HTTP/1.1" 101 0
http://localhost:None "GET /v1.25/containers/196f3e622847b4c4c82d8d761f9f19155561be961eecfe874bbb04def5b7c9e5/json HTTP/1.1" 200 None
http://localhost:None "GET /v1.25/containers/196f3e622847b4c4c82d8d761f9f19155561be961eecfe874bbb04def5b7c9e5/json HTTP/1.1" 200 None
http://localhost:None "GET /v1.25/containers/0626d6bf49e5236440c82de4e969f31f4f86280d6f8f555f05b157fa53bae9b8/json HTTP/1.1" 200 None
Stopping b-combined   ...
Stopping b-db         ...
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>, <Container: b-combined (196f3e)>}
Starting producer thread for <Container: b-combined (196f3e)>
http://localhost:None "GET /v1.25/containers/196f3e622847b4c4c82d8d761f9f19155561be961eecfe874bbb04def5b7c9e5/json HTTP/1.1" 200 None
http://localhost:None "GET /v1.25/containers/196f3e622847b4c4c82d8d761f9f19155561be961eecfe874bbb04def5b7c9e5/json HTTP/1.1" 200 None
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
http://localhost:None "GET /v1.25/containers/196f3e622847b4c4c82d8d761f9f19155561be961eecfe874bbb04def5b7c9e5/json HTTP/1.1" 200 None
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
http://localhost:None "POST /v1.25/containers/196f3e622847b4c4c82d8d761f9f19155561be961eecfe874bbb04def5b7c9e5/wait HTTP/1.1" 200 32
http://localhost:None "POST /v1.25/containers/196f3e622847b4c4c82d8d761f9f19155561be961eecfe874bbb04def5b7c9e5/stop?t=10 HTTP/1.1" 204 0
http://localhost:None "GET /v1.25/containers/196f3e622847b4c4c82d8d761f9f19155561be961eecfe874bbb04def5b7c9e5/json HTTP/1.1" 200 None
http://localhost:None "POST /v1.25/containers/196f3e622847b4c4c82d8d761f9f19155561bStopping b-combined   ... done
Finished processing: <Container: b-combined (196f3e)>
Pending: {<Container: b-db (0626d6)>}
Starting producer thread for <Container: b-db (0626d6)>
http://localhost:None "GET /v1.25/containers/196f3e622847b4c4c82d8d761f9f19155561be961eecfe874bbb04def5b7c9e5/json HTTP/1.1" 200 None
http://localhost:None "GET /v1.25/containers/0626d6bf49e5236440c82de4e969f31f4f86280d6f8f555f05b157fa53bae9b8/json HTTP/1.1" 200 None
Pending: set()
Pending: set()
Pending: set()
Pending: set()
Pending: set()
Pending: set()
http://localhost:None "GET /v1.25/containers/0626d6bf49e5236440c82de4e969f31f4f86280d6f8f555f05b157fa53bae9b8/json HTTP/1.1" 200 None
http://localhost:None "POST /v1.25/containers/0626d6bf49e5236440c82de4e969f31f4f86280d6f8f555f05b157fa53bae9b8/stop?t=10 HTTP/1.1" 204 0
http://localhost:None "POST /v1.25/containers/0626d6bf49e5236440c82de4e969f31f4f86280d6f8f555f05b157fa53bae9b8/wait HTTP/1.1" 200 30
Stopping b-db         ... done
Pending: set()
http://localhost:None "GET /v1.25/containers/0626d6bf49e5236440c82de4e969f31f4f86280d6f8f555f05b157fa53bae9b8/json HTTP/1.1" 200 None
http://localhost:None "GET /v1.25/containers/196f3e622847b4c4c82d8d761f9f19155561be961eecfe874bbb04def5b7c9e5/json HTTP/1.1" 200 None

原文由 p4t 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 4.0 许可协议

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2 个回答

错误消息让我印象深刻: Aborting on container exit...

来自 docker-compose 文档

–abort-on-container-exit 如果任何容器停止,则停止所有容器。

您是否使用此标志运行 docker-compose?如果是这样,请考虑它的含义。

一旦 b-combined 完成,它就会退出。这意味着,容器 b-db 也将被迫停止。即使 b-combined 返回退出代码 0, b-db 强制关闭可能没有被 mongodb 优雅地处理。

编辑:我刚刚意识到你在命令行中有 --exit-code-from 。这意味着 --abort-on-container-exit

解决方案b-db 需要更多时间才能正常退出。使用 docker-compose up --timeout 600 可以避免错误。

原文由 JulioHM 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 4.0 许可协议

Docker 退出代码 137 表示 Docker 没有足够的 RAM 来完成工作。

不幸的是,Docker 消耗了大量的 RAM。

转到 Docker 桌面应用程序 > 首选项 > 资源 > 高级并增加内存 - 最好加倍。

原文由 codeepic 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 4.0 许可协议

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