Python 重复单词


我有一个问题,我必须计算 Python (v3.4.1) 中的重复单词并将它们放在一个句子中。我使用了计数器,但我不知道如何按以下顺序获取输出。输入是:

 mysentence = As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality they are not certain as far as they are certain they do not refer to reality



"As" is repeated 1 time.
"are" is repeated 2 times.
"as" is repeated 3 times.
"certain" is repeated 2 times.
"do" is repeated 1 time.
"far" is repeated 2 times.
"laws" is repeated 1 time.
"mathematics" is repeated 1 time.
"not" is repeated 2 times.
"of" is repeated 1 time.
"reality" is repeated 2 times.
"refer" is repeated 2 times.
"the" is repeated 1 time.
"they" is repeated 3 times.
"to" is repeated 2 times.


x=input ('Enter your sentence :')
for y in sorted(y):
    print (y)

原文由 Erwy Lionel 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 4.0 许可协议

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2 个回答


 words = sentence.split()
counts = {}
for word in words:
    if word not in counts:
        counts[word] = 0
    counts[word] += 1

现在这将为您提供一本字典,其中键是单词,值是它出现的次数。您可以使用 collections.defaultdict(int) 做一些事情,因此您只需添加值:

 counts = collections.defaultdict(int)
for word in words:
    counts[word] += 1

但甚至还有比这更好的东西…… collections.Counter 它将把你的单词列表变成一个包含计数的字典(实际上是字典的扩展)。

 counts = collections.Counter(words)

从那里您需要按计数排序的单词列表,以便您可以打印它们。 items() 将为您提供一个元组列表,并且 sorted 将(默认情况下)按每个元组的第一项(在本例中为单词)排序…这正是你要。

 import collections
sentence = """As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality they are not certain as far as they are certain they do not refer to reality"""
words = sentence.split()
word_counts = collections.Counter(words)
for word, count in sorted(word_counts.items()):
    print('"%s" is repeated %d time%s.' % (word, count, "s" if count > 1 else ""))


"As" is repeated 1 time.
"are" is repeated 2 times.
"as" is repeated 3 times.
"certain" is repeated 2 times.
"do" is repeated 1 time.
"far" is repeated 2 times.
"laws" is repeated 1 time.
"mathematics" is repeated 1 time.
"not" is repeated 2 times.
"of" is repeated 1 time.
"reality" is repeated 2 times.
"refer" is repeated 2 times.
"the" is repeated 1 time.
"they" is repeated 3 times.
"to" is repeated 2 times.

原文由 sberry 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 3.0 许可协议

嘿,我已经在 python 2.7(mac) 上试过了,因为我有那个版本,所以试着掌握逻辑

from collections import Counter

mysentence = """As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality they are not certain as far as they are certain they do not refer to reality"""

mysentence = dict(Counter(mysentence.split()))
for i in sorted(mysentence.keys()):
    print ('"'+i+'" is repeated '+str(mysentence[i])+' time.')


 "As" is repeated 1 time.
"are" is repeated 2 time.
"as" is repeated 3 time.
"certain" is repeated 2 time.
"do" is repeated 1 time.
"far" is repeated 2 time.
"laws" is repeated 1 time.
"mathematics" is repeated 1 time.
"not" is repeated 2 time.
"of" is repeated 1 time.
"reality" is repeated 2 time.
"refer" is repeated 2 time.
"the" is repeated 1 time.
"they" is repeated 3 time.
"to" is repeated 2 time.

原文由 HimanshuGahlot 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 3.0 许可协议

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