我正在为一个学校项目在 repl.it 中创建一个 CYOA,并且需要有一个列表,所以我所做的是在每次输入时我都为用户提供了一个选项来查看他们的项目。在主要的分裂我把
Items = ["Flask of Root Beer"]
print ("Intro:\nYou think to yourself as a 24yo dude with no life ahead of him 'Why am i stuck working in the urban district when I could be in the forest district exploring or something'. With the volcano looming over you, you head out the next morning leaving everything behind you and pursuing your dream of exploration. ")
print ()
print ("You depart from your house with your flask of root beer \nin your pocket and discover a fork in the road. ")
orig_path=input("Do you go left, straight, or right? ")
print ()
if orig_path == "show items" or "items":
print (Items)
if orig_path == "left":
print ("You go to the left and you see a light over in the distance.")
ufo_light=input("Do you investigate? ")
if ufo_light == "show items" or "items":
print (Items)
if ufo_light == ("yes"):
print ("You investigate the bright light and you see that it's a crashed alien ship!")
ufo_four_choice=input("You go into the ship and see that there are four things of note. The console, a alien gun on the floor, some green blood right next to it, and a labeled distress call button. Which one do you investigate first? ")
if ufo_four_choice == "show items" or "items":
print (Items)
if ufo_four_choice == "console" or "the console":
print ("End")
if ufo_four_choice == "alien gun" or "the alien gun":
print ("End")
if ufo_four_choice == "alien blood" or "blood" or "green blood":
print ("End")
if ufo_four_choice == "distress call button" or "button" or "labeled distress call button":
print ("End")
这是我收到的错误 https://imgur.com/Znk0rLx 正如我所说,这是针对学校的,所以我只是在学习,所以我没有尝试解决这个问题。我不知道该怎么办,因为我不知道那个错误是什么。如果您能解释那是什么,将不胜感激。
原文由 Justinwest27 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 4.0 许可协议
这不是实际错误。这是来自 linter 的警告,告诉您您违反了正确的做法。具体来说,您的代码有太多不同的路径可以采用(每个
类似的线被打破了。看 这里。