在 Go 中进行日期比较有什么选择吗?我必须独立地根据日期和时间对数据进行排序。所以我可能允许一个对象出现在一个日期范围内,只要它也出现在一个时间范围内。在这个模型中,我不能简单地只选择最旧的日期、最年轻的时间/最晚的日期、最晚的时间和 Unix() 秒来比较它们。我真的很感激任何建议。
package main
import (
func tryIndex(arr []string, index int, def string) string {
if index <= len(arr)-1 {
return arr[index]
return def
* Takes two strings of format "hh:mm:ss" and compares them.
* Takes a function to compare individual sections (split by ":").
* Note: strings can actually be formatted like "h", "hh", "hh:m",
* "hh:mm", etc. Any missing parts will be added lazily.
func timeCompare(a, b string, compare func(int, int) (bool, bool)) bool {
aArr := strings.Split(a, ":")
bArr := strings.Split(b, ":")
// Catches margins.
if (b == a) {
return true
for i := range aArr {
aI, _ := strconv.Atoi(tryIndex(aArr, i, "00"))
bI, _ := strconv.Atoi(tryIndex(bArr, i, "00"))
res, flag := compare(aI, bI)
if res {
return true
} else if flag { // Needed to catch case where a > b and a is the lower limit
return false
return false
func timeGreaterEqual(a, b int) (bool, bool) {return a > b, a < b}
func timeLesserEqual(a, b int) (bool, bool) {return a < b, a > b}
* Returns true for two strings formmated "hh:mm:ss".
* Note: strings can actually be formatted like "h", "hh", "hh:m",
* "hh:mm", etc. Any missing parts will be added lazily.
func withinTime(timeRange, time string) bool {
rArr := strings.Split(timeRange, "-")
if timeCompare(rArr[0], rArr[1], timeLesserEqual) {
afterStart := timeCompare(rArr[0], time, timeLesserEqual)
beforeEnd := timeCompare(rArr[1], time, timeGreaterEqual)
return afterStart && beforeEnd
// Catch things like `timeRange := "22:00:00-04:59:59"` which will happen
// with UTC conversions from local time.
afterStart := timeCompare(rArr[0], time, timeLesserEqual)
beforeEnd := timeCompare(rArr[1], time, timeGreaterEqual)
return afterStart || beforeEnd
所以 TLDR,我写了一个 withinTimeRange(range, time) 函数,但它不能完全正确地工作。 (事实上 ,主要是第二种情况,时间范围跨越几天被打破了。原来的部分有效,我只是意识到在从本地转换为 UTC 时我需要考虑到这一点。)
注意:举个例子,我用这个函数在 Javascript 中解决了这个问题:
function withinTime(start, end, time) {
var s = Date.parse("01/01/2011 "+start);
var e = Date.parse("01/0"+(end=="24:00:00"?"2":"1")+"/2011 "+(end=="24:00:00"?"00:00:00":end));
var t = Date.parse("01/01/2011 "+time);
return s <= t && e >= t;
原文由 eatonphil 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 4.0 许可协议
使用 time 包来处理 Go 中的时间信息。
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