service.doAction(request, Callback<Response> callback);
我如何使用 Mockito 获取回调对象,并调用 callback.reply(x)
原文由 Kurru 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 4.0 许可协议
考虑使用 ArgumentCaptor ,它在任何情况下都更接近于“抓取 [bing] 回调对象”。
* Captor for Response callbacks. Populated by MockitoAnnotations.initMocks().
* You can also use ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Callback.class) but you'd have to
* cast it due to the type parameter.
@Captor ArgumentCaptor<Callback<Response>> callbackCaptor;
@Test public void testDoAction() {
// Cause service.doAction to be called
// Now call callback. ArgumentCaptor.capture() works like a matcher.
verify(service).doAction(eq(request), callbackCaptor.capture());
assertTrue(/* some assertion about the state before the callback is called */);
// Once you're satisfied, trigger the reply on callbackCaptor.getValue().
assertTrue(/* some assertion about the state after the callback is called */);
虽然 Answer
在回调需要立即返回时是个好主意(读取:同步),但它也引入了创建匿名内部类的开销,并且不安全地转换来自 invocation.getArguments()[n]
的元素 ---
到你想要的数据类型。它还要求您从 Answer 内部对系统的回调前状态做出任何断言,这意味着您的 Answer 的大小和范围可能会增加。
相反,异步处理您的回调:使用 ArgumentCaptor 捕获传递给您的服务的回调对象。现在,您可以在测试方法级别进行所有断言,并在您选择时调用 reply
原文由 Jeff Bowman 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 4.0 许可协议
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对象来执行此操作。查看 Mockito 文档,网址为 https://static.javadoc.io/org.mockito/mockito-core/2.8.47/org/mockito/Mockito.html#answer_stubs你可能会写类似的东西