关于Java的内部类 ?


"TimePrinter类在beep参数值消失之前必须将beep字段复制为start方法的 局部变量" 。

和 下面的 红线那句 没有明白。

下面画红线的意思是: start方法的beep参数先复制为 start方法的 局部变量,然后实例化TimePrinter对象的时候又从局部变量传给 TimePrinter 的构造器 ??

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  1. 复制为局部变量也没有用啊,当start方法执行完,start方法的形参 和 局部变量 不都要销毁吗 ?


    Corresponding to each Timer object is a single background thread that is used to execute all of the timer's tasks, sequentially. Timer tasks should complete quickly. If a timer task takes excessive time to complete, it "hogs" the timer's task execution thread. This can, in turn, delay the execution of subsequent tasks, which may "bunch up" and execute in rapid succession when (and if) the offending task finally completes.

    After the last live reference to a Timer object goes away and all outstanding tasks have completed execution, the timer's task execution thread terminates gracefully (and becomes subject to garbage collection). However, this can take arbitrarily long to occur. By default, the task execution thread does not run as a daemon thread, so it is capable of keeping an application from terminating. If a caller wants to terminate a timer's task execution thread rapidly, the caller should invoke the timer's cancel method.


  2. 下面画红线的意思是: start方法的beep参数先复制为 start方法的 局部变量,然后实例化TimePrinter对象的时候又从局部变量传给 TimePrinter 的构造器 ?


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