下面这段代码,跑起来的时候,CPU 利用率从 htop 中看到,可以在 116-117% 之间
from torchvision import transforms
from PIL import Image
from torch import Tensor
from numpy import ndarray
import numpy
import time
preprocess = transforms.Compose([
mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406],
std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
image = Image.open('bh.jpg')
s = time.time()
for i in range(200000):
tensor: Tensor = preprocess(image)
e = time.time()
一般来讲,python 有 GIL 锁,为什么可以超过 100%?
如果是 101%、102% 倒也正常,毕竟 htop 统计也有误差
同样我自己写了一段等效 transforms.Compose 的代码:
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
from numpy import ndarray
from PIL.Image import Resampling
from typing import List, Tuple, Optional
import time
mean = np.array([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]).reshape((3, 1, 1))
std = np.array([0.229, 0.224, 0.225]).reshape((3, 1, 1))
def center_crop(image: Image.Image, output_size: int):
w, h = image.size
th, tw = output_size
left = (w - tw) / 2
top = (h - th) / 2
right = (w + tw) / 2
bottom = (h + th) / 2
return image.crop((left, top, right, bottom))
def compute_resized_output_size(
image_size: Tuple[int, int], size: List[int], max_size: Optional[int] = None
) -> List[int]:
if len(size) == 1: # specified size only for the smallest edge
h, w = image_size
short, long = (w, h) if w <= h else (h, w)
requested_new_short = size if isinstance(size, int) else size[0]
new_short, new_long = requested_new_short, int(
requested_new_short * long / short)
if max_size is not None:
if max_size <= requested_new_short:
raise ValueError(
f"max_size = {max_size} must be strictly greater than the requested "
f"size for the smaller edge size = {size}"
if new_long > max_size:
new_short, new_long = int(
max_size * new_short / new_long), max_size
new_w, new_h = (new_short, new_long) if w <= h else (
new_long, new_short)
else: # specified both h and w
new_w, new_h = size[1], size[0]
return [new_h, new_w]
def imresize(image: Image.Image, imsize: int = 224) -> Image.Image:
w, h = image.size
new_h, new_w = compute_resized_output_size((h, w), [imsize])
image.thumbnail((new_w, new_h), Image.Resampling.BILINEAR)
image = center_crop(image, (imsize, imsize))
return image
def preprocess(image: Image.Image) -> ndarray:
# resized_image = image.resize((224, 224), resample=Resampling.BILINEAR)
resized_image = imresize(image, 224)
resized_image_ndarray = np.array(resized_image)
transposed_image_ndarray = resized_image_ndarray.transpose((2, 0, 1))
transposed_image_ndarrayfloat32 = transposed_image_ndarray.astype(
transposed_image_ndarrayfloat32 /= 255.0
normalized_image_ndarray = (transposed_image_ndarrayfloat32 - mean) / std
normalized_image_ndarrayfloat32 = normalized_image_ndarray.astype(
return normalized_image_ndarrayfloat32
image = Image.open('bh.jpg')
s = time.time()
for i in range(20000):
preprocessed_ndarray: ndarray = preprocess(image)
e = time.time()
但是这段代码的 CPU 利用率最大就是 100%
为什么?torch 使用了什么魔法?
GIL 只针对 Python 部分的代码。torch 底层大量模块是 C/C++ 实现的,并不受 GIL 限制。
P.S. 你这段代码里头到底有没有用到 C/C++ 实现的模块,我没去跟踪过,但不影响这个结论。