* Why should we resort to using Unsafe?<br>
* <ol>
* <li>To construct class fields which allow volatile/ordered/plain access: This requirement is covered by
* {@link AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater} and similar but their performance is arguably worse than the DIY approach
* (depending on JVM version) while Unsafe intrinsification is a far lesser challenge for JIT compilers.
* <li>To construct flavors of {@link AtomicReferenceArray}.
* <li>Other use cases exist but are not present in this library yet.
* </ol>
* @author nitsanw
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因为你这是 Spsc 呀。
反正只有一个线程,没必要读的时候也 volatile,能省一点儿 LoadLoad Memory Barrier 是一点儿。