Umi4 Prompt组件从哪里导出的?

import { useParams, Prompt, useIntl, Access, useAccess } from 'umi';

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umi4找不到Prompt及react-helmet · Issue #8206 · umijs/umi

Prompt 没了,参考 react-router 6 的升级文档;react-helmet 自己依赖吧;其他问题请单独提 issue,同时给最简复现。

Upgrading from v5 v6.15.0 | React Router

<Prompt> is not currently supported

<Prompt> from v5 (along with usePrompt and useBlocker from the v6 betas) are not included in the current released version of v6. We decided we'd rather ship with what we have than take even more time to nail down a feature that isn't fully baked.
We will absolutely be working on adding this back in to v6 at some point in the near future, but not for our first stable release of 6.x.

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