参考demo:import measure from '@ohos.measure' import display from '@ohos.display'; const childMaxWidth: number = 500 //为了方便后续计算,这里的宽度数值为px let displayClass: display.Display | null = null; let componentWidth: number = 0; try { displayClass = display.getDefaultDisplaySync(); componentWidth = displayClass.width console.info('Flex_overNumber displayClass.width:' + displayClass.width) } catch (exception) { console.error('Flex_overNumber Failed to obtain the default display object. Code: ' + JSON.stringify(exception)); } /*export function getScreenWidth(): number { let screenWidth = 0; try { screenWidth = display.getDefaultDisplaySync().width; } catch (err) { console.error(`get screen width error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); } return screenWidth; }*/ @Component struct TextItem { @State message: string = '' @Prop fontSizeData: number build() { Text(this.message) .fontSize(this.fontSizeData) .margin({ left: 10, top: 10 }) .backgroundColor('#c4c2cc') .constraintSize({ maxWidth: childMaxWidth + 'px' }) .maxLines(1) .textOverflow({ overflow: TextOverflow.Ellipsis }) } } @Entry @Component struct Flex_overNumber { @State @Watch('IndexChange') index: number = 0 @State @Watch('textChange') message: string = '' @State FlexWidth: string = '80%'; @State newIndex: number = 0; @State heightControl: number | string = 100; @State ButtonText: string = '∨'; @State AllData: string[] = ['1', '22', '333', '44444', '55', '666', '7777', '8888888888888', '99', '3434', '5656', '7878', '141414141', '68681'] @State SomeData: string[] = [] @State ShowData: string[] = [] @State fontSizeData: number = 30 @State AllWidth: number = 0 @State textWidth: number = 0 @State restrictWidth: number = 0; IndexChange() { if (this.AllWidth >= (this.restrictWidth - childMaxWidth) && this.AllWidth <= (this.restrictWidth)) { this.newIndex = this.index console.info('Flex_overNumber text1 newIndex', this.newIndex) console.info('Flex_overNumber text1 change', this.newIndex) } } textChange() { let content: string = this.message this.textWidth = measure.measureText({ textContent: content, fontSize: this.fontSizeData }) if (this.textWidth > childMaxWidth) { this.AllWidth += childMaxWidth } else { this.AllWidth += this.textWidth } console.info('Flex_overNumber text1 content', content) console.info('Flex_overNumber text1 Width', this.textWidth) } aboutToAppear(): void { // componentWidth 1260 if (componentWidth != 0) { // this.restrictWidth = Math.floor((parseFloat(this.FlexWidth) * componentWidth) * 1.3 * 0.01) //1310 this.restrictWidth = componentWidth * 1.2 // 0.8 1008 console.info('Flex_overNumber text1 componentWidth', componentWidth) console.info('Flex_overNumber text1 restrictWidth', this.restrictWidth) } for (let i = 0; i < this.AllData.length; i++) { this.message = this.AllData[i] this.index = i } console.log('text1 change newIndex', this.newIndex) this.SomeData = this.AllData.slice(0, this.newIndex + 1) this.ShowData = this.SomeData } build() { Row() { Column() { Flex({ wrap: FlexWrap.Wrap }) { ForEach( this.ShowData, (item: string) => { TextItem({ message: item, fontSizeData: this.fontSizeData }) } ) Button(this.ButtonText) .onClick(() => { if (this.heightControl === 100) { this.heightControl = '100%' this.ButtonText = '^' this.ShowData = this.AllData } else { this.heightControl = 100 this.ButtonText = 'v' this.ShowData = this.SomeData } }) .width(40) .height(30) .margin({ left: 10, top: 10 }) } .constraintSize({ maxHeight: this.heightControl }) .border({ width: 1 }) .width(this.FlexWidth) .margin({ left: '5%' }) .clip(true) } .width('100%') } .height('100%') } }