可以通过getInspectorByKey9+getInspectorByKey(id: string): string来获取指定id的组件的所有属性,不包括子组件信息。参考示例代码如下:// xxx.ets import { IntentionCode } from '@ohos.multimodalInput.intentionCode' class Utils { static rect_left: number static rect_top: number static rect_right: number static rect_bottom: number static rect_value: Record<string, number> //获取组件所占矩形区域坐标 static getComponentRect(key:string):Record<string, number> { let strJson = getInspectorByKey(key) let obj:Record<string, string> = JSON.parse(strJson) console.info("[getInspectorByKey] current component obj is: " + JSON.stringify(obj)) let rectInfo:string[] = JSON.parse('[' + obj.$rect + ']') console.info("[getInspectorByKey] rectInfo is: " + rectInfo) Utils.rect_left = JSON.parse('[' + rectInfo[0] + ']')[0] Utils.rect_top = JSON.parse('[' + rectInfo[0] + ']')[1] Utils.rect_right = JSON.parse('[' + rectInfo[1] + ']')[0] Utils.rect_bottom = JSON.parse('[' + rectInfo[1] + ']')[1] return Utils.rect_value = { "left": Utils.rect_left, "top": Utils.rect_top, "right": Utils.rect_right, "bottom": Utils.rect_bottom } } } @Entry @Component struct IdExample { @State text: string = '' build() { Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Column, alignItems: ItemAlign.Center, justifyContent: FlexAlign.Center }) { Button() { Text('onKeyTab').fontSize(25).fontWeight(FontWeight.Bold) }.margin({ top: 20 }).backgroundColor('#0D9FFB') .onKeyEvent(() => { this.text = "onKeyTab" }) Button() { Text('click to start').fontSize(25).fontWeight(FontWeight.Bold) }.margin({ top: 20 }) .onClick(() => { console.info(getInspectorByKey("click")) console.info(JSON.stringify(getInspectorTree())) this.text = "Button 'click to start' is clicked" setTimeout(() => { sendEventByKey("longClick", 11, "") // 向id为"longClick"的组件发送长按事件 }, 2000) }).id('click') Button() { Text('longClick').fontSize(25).fontWeight(FontWeight.Bold) }.margin({ top: 20 }).backgroundColor('#0D9FFB') .gesture( LongPressGesture().onActionEnd(() => { console.info('long clicked') this.text = "Button 'longClick' is longclicked" setTimeout(() => { let rect = Utils.getComponentRect('onTouch') // 获取id为"onTouch"组件的矩形区域坐标 let touchPoint: TouchObject = { id: 1, type: TouchType.Down, x: rect.left + (rect.right - rect.left) / 2, // 相对于组件左上角的水平方向坐标 y: rect.top + (rect.bottom - rect.top) / 2, // 相对于组件左上角的垂直方向坐标 screenX: rect.left + (rect.right - rect.left) / 2, // 相对于应用窗口左上角的水平方向坐标,API10已废弃,采用windowX替代 screenY: rect.left + (rect.right - rect.left) / 2, // 相对于应用窗口左上角的垂直方向坐标,API10已废弃,采用windowY替代 windowX: rect.left + (rect.right - rect.left) / 2, // 相对于应用窗口左上角的水平方向坐标 windowY: rect.left + (rect.right - rect.left) / 2, // 相对于应用窗口左上角的垂直方向坐标 displayX: rect.left + (rect.right - rect.left) / 2, // 相对于设备屏幕左上角的水平方向坐标 displayY: rect.left + (rect.right - rect.left) / 2, // 相对于设备屏幕左上角的垂直方向坐标 } sendTouchEvent(touchPoint) // 发送触摸事件 touchPoint.type = TouchType.Up sendTouchEvent(touchPoint) // 发送触摸事件 }, 2000) })).id('longClick') Button() { Text('onTouch').fontSize(25).fontWeight(FontWeight.Bold) }.type(ButtonType.Capsule).margin({ top: 20 }) .onClick(() => { console.info('onTouch is clicked') this.text = "Button 'onTouch' is clicked" setTimeout(() => { let rect = Utils.getComponentRect('onMouse') // 获取id为"onMouse"组件的矩形区域坐标 let mouseEvent: MouseEvent = { button: MouseButton.Left, action: MouseAction.Press, x: rect.left + (rect.right - rect.left) / 2, // 相对于组件左上角的水平方向坐标 y: rect.top + (rect.bottom - rect.top) / 2, // 相对于组件左上角的垂直方向坐标 screenX: rect.left + (rect.right - rect.left) / 2, // 相对于应用窗口左上角的水平方向坐标,API10已废弃,采用windowX替代 screenY: rect.left + (rect.right - rect.left) / 2, // 相对于应用窗口左上角的垂直方向坐标,API10已废弃,采用windowY替代 windowX: rect.left + (rect.right - rect.left) / 2, // 相对于应用窗口左上角的水平方向坐标 windowY: rect.left + (rect.right - rect.left) / 2, // 相对于应用窗口左上角的垂直方向坐标 displayX: rect.left + (rect.right - rect.left) / 2, // 相对于设备屏幕左上角的水平方向坐标 displayY: rect.left + (rect.right - rect.left) / 2, // 相对于设备屏幕左上角的垂直方向坐标 stopPropagation: () => { }, timestamp: 1, target: { area: { width: 1, height: 1, position: { x: 1, y: 1 }, globalPosition: { x: 1, y: 1 } } }, source: SourceType.Mouse, pressure: 1, tiltX: 1, tiltY: 1, sourceTool: SourceTool.Unknown } sendMouseEvent(mouseEvent) // 发送鼠标事件 }, 2000) }).id('onTouch') Button() { Text('onMouse').fontSize(25).fontWeight(FontWeight.Bold) }.margin({ top: 20 }).backgroundColor('#0D9FFB') .onMouse(() => { console.info('onMouse') this.text = "Button 'onMouse' in onMouse" setTimeout(() => { let keyEvent: KeyEvent = { type: KeyType.Down, keyCode: 2049, keyText: 'tab', keySource: 4, deviceId: 0, metaKey: 0, timestamp: 0, stopPropagation: () => { }, intentionCode: IntentionCode.INTENTION_DOWN } sendKeyEvent(keyEvent) // 发送按键事件 }, 2000) }).id('onMouse') Text(this.text).fontSize(25).padding(15) } .width('100%').height('100%') } }
可以通过getInspectorByKey9+getInspectorByKey(id: string): string来获取指定id的组件的所有属性,不包括子组件信息。参考示例代码如下: