核心思路如下:1、在EntryAbility中,通过AppStorage保存WindowStage实例。2、在子窗口根布局下,通过inspector.ComponentObserver监听待更换组件宽高,同时更新窗口大小。样例代码如下:// EntryAbility内: onWindowStageCreate(windowStage: window.WindowStage): void { // ... windowStage.loadContent('pages/ImageScaleTest', (err) => { if (err.code) { hilog.error(0x0000, 'testTag', 'Failed to load the content. Cause: %{public}s', JSON.stringify(err) ?? ''); return; } // 保存windowStage AppStorage.setOrCreate("windowStage", windowStage); hilog.info(0x0000, 'testTag', 'Succeeded in loading the content.'); }); } // 在开启子窗口调用处: this.windowStage.createSubWindow(SUB_WINDOW_NAME, (err, windowClass) => { if (err.code > 0) { console.error(failed to create subWindow Cause: ${err.message}); return; } try { // 设置子窗口加载页 windowClass.setUIContent('pages/ResizeWindowPage'); // 设置子窗口左上角坐标 windowClass.moveWindowTo(0, 200); // 展示子窗口 windowClass.showWindow() } catch (err) { console.error(failed to create subWindow Cause:${err}); } })// 子窗口的根布局页面 ResizeWindowPage.ets: import { componentUtils, inspector, window } from '@kit.ArkUI'; export const SUB_WINDOW_NAME = "ResizeSubWindow" const RESIZE_WINDOW_ROOT_ID = "RESIZE_WINDOW_ROOT_ID" @Entry @Component struct ResizeWindowPage { @State message: string = 'Hello World'; @State windowStage: window.WindowStage = AppStorage.get('windowStage') as window.WindowStage @State isPageA: boolean = true private listener: inspector.ComponentObserver = inspector.createComponentObserver(RESIZE_WINDOW_ROOT_ID); @State rootWidth: number = 350 @State rootHeight: number = 700 aboutToAppear(): void { // 监听id为RESIZE_WINDOW_ROOT_ID的组件layout事件 this.listener.on('layout', () => { setTimeout(() => { // 根组件大小重新设置 this.rootWidth = px2vp(componentUtils.getRectangleById(RESIZE_WINDOW_ROOT_ID).size.width) this.rootHeight = px2vp(componentUtils.getRectangleById(RESIZE_WINDOW_ROOT_ID).size.height) // 窗口大小重新设置 window.findWindow(SUB_WINDOW_NAME).resize(componentUtils.getRectangleById(RESIZE_WINDOW_ROOT_ID).size.width, componentUtils.getRectangleById(RESIZE_WINDOW_ROOT_ID).size.height) }) }) } rootComponentInit() { this.rootWidth = 350 this.rootHeight = 700 } build() { Stack({ alignContent: Alignment.TopStart }) { if (this.isPageA) { ComponentA({ click: () => { this.rootComponentInit() this.isPageA = false } }).id(RESIZE_WINDOW_ROOT_ID) } else { ComponentB({ click: () => { this.rootComponentInit() this.isPageA = true } }).id(RESIZE_WINDOW_ROOT_ID) } Text("Stack") } .width(this.rootWidth) .height(this.rootHeight) .backgroundColor(Color.Blue) } } @Component export struct ComponentA { click: () => void = () => {} build() { Column() { Text("ComponentA") .fontSize(30) .onClick(() => { this.click() }) } .justifyContent(FlexAlign.Center) .backgroundColor(Color.Red) .width(300) .height(300) } } @Component export struct ComponentB { click: () => void = () => {} build() { Column() { Text("ComponentB") .fontSize(30) .onClick(() => { this.click() }) } .justifyContent(FlexAlign.Center) .backgroundColor(Color.Green) .width(150) .height(150) } }