HarmonyOS NEXT @Concurrent装饰器报错?

HarmonyOS NEXT @Concurrent装饰器报错?

Concurrent装饰器始终报错:Decorator function return type is ‘void | TypedPropertyDescriptor<unknown>’ but is expected to be ‘void’ or ‘any’. Type ‘TypedPropertyDescriptor<unknown>’ is not assignable to type ‘void’. <ArkTSCheck>

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import taskpool from '@ohos.taskpool'; 
function testPromise(args1: number, args2: number): Promise<number> { 
  return new Promise<number>((testFuncA, testFuncB) => { 
    testFuncA(args1 + args2); 
export class FCDemoTest { 
  public static instance: FCDemoTest = new FCDemoTest(); 
  private constructor() { 
  checkInfo() { 
    let task1: taskpool.Task = new taskpool.Task(testPromise, 1, 2); 
    taskpool.execute(task1).then((d: object) => { 
    }).catch((e: object) => { 
  • 和开发者交流问题的细节
  • 关注并接收问题和回答的更新提醒
  • 参与内容的编辑和改进,让解决方法与时俱进