OpenVDB 是Vlometric Dynamic B+ tree like 的缩写,作为梦工厂的开源体渲染解决的方案,发展到今天它已经不仅仅是一种体素存储格式了,还包含了各种无所不包的工具,包括体素转mesh,mesh转体素,各种加速工具,Viewer和一个简单的volume renderer等. 不过VDB的文档至今仍然十分不完善,写这个cookbook是为了记录自己的...
I have disscussed a lot about how to implememt and sampling the traditional BRDF models in a path tracing render system which is physically based. But recently I've been tired of the trade off between physics and production. Because of the existance of models like Blinn-phong or phong, it is very...
OpenVDB plugin for OIIO:用VDB的 Value Accessor Grid sampler 实现的,支持体素的Cache和多线程访问,I/O的速度已经很优化了。另外开发了个读IES灯光的plugin. 为了支持新的文件格式修改了texturesystem里的texture3d.
Ray differentials are widely used in physically based rendering system for the purpose of texture mapping and particle tracing. While it is easy to trace and calculate the ray differentials of the light transport phenomenons like reflection and refraction, tracing ray differential of BRDF glossy ...