VIM 自动保存的最佳方案?

我喜欢那种每过几秒就自动保存一次的,就像 webstorm 和 Pycharm 那样。
VIM 我用 :help 'autosave'发现如下帮助:

'autosave' 'as' number  (default 0)                                         
           ¦Automatically write the current buffer to file N seconds after the last change has been made and when 'modified' is still set.         
           ¦Default: 0 = do not autosave the buffer.                            
    Alternative: have 'autosave' use 'updatetime' and 'updatecount' but make    
    them save the file itself besides the swapfile. 

然后我就在.vimrc里添加:set autosave as 5 ,意思应该是修改过了5秒就自动保存吧,但是它提示:Unknown option: autosave 什么情况?

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1 个回答

let autosave=5,那个asautosave的缩写,不是个单词 23333333333333333

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