(use-package smooth-scrolling
:ensure t
:defer t
(setq smooth-scroll-margin 5)
(smooth-scrolling-mode 1)
(provide 'xhx-smooth-scrolling)
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我的.emacs中这样设置了下,ALT + P/N 可以方便的上下滚动
(defun hold-line-scroll-up()
"Scroll the page with the cursor in the same line"
(let ((next-screen-context-lines
(window-start) (window-end))))
(global-set-key (kbd "M-N") 'hold-line-scroll-up)
(defun hold-line-scroll-down()
"Scroll the page with the cursor in the same line"
(let ((next-screen-context-lines
(window-start) (window-end))))
(global-set-key (kbd "M-P") 'hold-line-scroll-down)