beforeunload 事件可以绑定到什么元素上面?

var attention = function (e) {
  var confirmationMessage = "修改尚未保存!";
  (e || window.event).returnValue = confirmationMessage; // Gecko and Trident
  return confirmationMessage; // Gecko and WebKit

window.addEventListener('beforeunload', attention);

绑定到 window 上时起效,绑定到其他页面元素则不行,例如

var input = document.querySelector('table>input')
input.addEventListener('beforeunload', attention)
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Which HTML tags support the onbeforeunload event?

官方文档对 beforeunload 事件的说明

Let event be a new BeforeUnloadEvent event object with the name beforeunload, which does not bubble but is cancelable.
Dispatch: Dispatch event at the Document's Window object.

官方说,只在 window 对象上支持这个事件

但是我在国外的 w3school 上看到说 body 元素也支持这个事件,然后我就在自己浏览器上试了一下,然而没什么卵用(浏览器:Chrome 53.0)。还是官网的对,只在window 对象上支持这个事件

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