echarts 水球 怎么显示小数位呢? 我的配置如下
var optionFH = {
series: [{
type: 'liquidFill',
data: [0.6115, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3],
//第一个就是值 怎么显示为61.15%呢 现在是61%
radius: '80%',
outline: {
borderDistance: 0, //外部轮廓与图表的距离 数字
borderWidth: 0, //边框的宽度
shadowColor: '#000' //外部轮廓的阴影颜色
label: { //To change the text, you may use label.formatter, which can be set to a string or function.
normal: {
// formatter: '{a}\n{b}\nValue: {c}', //If it is a string, {a} series name, {b} data name,{c} data value.
textStyle: {
// color: 'red', //波浪上文本颜色
// insideColor: 'yellow', //波浪内部字体颜色
fontSize: 10
// position: ['center'], //Text position is at the center by default. label.position can be set to be 'inside', 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom', or horizontal and vertical positions like ['10%', '20%'], which means '10%' to the left (controlled by label.align, which can be 'left', 'center', or 'right') and '20%' to the top (controlled by label.baseline, which can be 'top', 'middle', or 'bottom').
// position:'top'
align: 'center',
// baseline: 'center'
我想显示的是 61.15% 后面带着小数的,怎么实现呢?