我正在使用 Python;我需要遍历 JSON 对象并检索嵌套值。我的数据片段如下:
"bills": [
"url": "http:\/\/maplight.org\/us-congress\/bill\/110-hr-195\/233677",
"jurisdiction": "us",
"session": "110",
"prefix": "H",
"number": "195",
"measure": "H.R. 195 (110\u003csup\u003eth\u003c\/sup\u003e)",
"topic": "Seniors' Health Care Freedom Act of 2007",
"last_update": "2011-08-29T20:47:44Z",
"organizations": [
"organization_id": "22973",
"name": "National Health Federation",
"disposition": "support",
"citation": "The National Health Federation (n.d.). \u003ca href=\"http:\/\/www.thenhf.com\/government_affairs_federal.html\"\u003e\u003ccite\u003e Federal Legislation on Consumer Health\u003c\/cite\u003e\u003c\/a\u003e. Retrieved August 6, 2008, from The National Health Federation.",
"catcode": "J3000"
"organization_id": "27059",
"name": "A Christian Perspective on Health Issues",
"disposition": "support",
"citation": "A Christian Perspective on Health Issues (n.d.). \u003ca href=\"http:\/\/www.acpohi.ws\/page1.html\"\u003e\u003ccite\u003ePart E - Conclusion\u003c\/cite\u003e\u003c\/a\u003e. Retrieved August 6, 2008, from .",
"catcode": "X7000"
"organization_id": "27351",
"name": "Natural Health Roundtable",
"disposition": "support",
"citation": "Natural Health Roundtable (n.d.). \u003ca href=\"http:\/\/naturalhealthroundtable.com\/reform_agenda\"\u003e\u003ccite\u003eNatural Health Roundtable SUPPORTS the following bills\u003c\/cite\u003e\u003c\/a\u003e. Retrieved August 6, 2008, from Natural Health Roundtable.",
"catcode": "J3000"
import csv
import json
path = 'E:/Thesis/thesis_get_data'
with open (path + "/" + 'maplightdata110congress.json',"r") as f:
data = json.load(f)
a = data['bills']
b = data['bills'][0]["prefix"]
c = data['bills'][0]["number"]
h = data['bills'][0]['organizations'][0]
e = data['bills'][0]['organizations'][0]['name']
f = data['bills'][0]['organizations'][0]['catcode']
g = data['bills'][0]['organizations'][0]['catcode']
for i in a:
for index in e:
print ('name')
原文由 Collective Action 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 4.0 许可协议
您所要做的就是将 JSON 对象作为字典传递给函数。
还有这个 python 库可以帮助你解决这个问题。你可以在这里找到这个 -> JsonJ