Torch-TensorRT is a compiler for PyTorch/TorchScript/FX, targeting NVIDIA GPUs via NVIDIA's TensorRT Deep Learning Optimizer and Runtime.
NVIDIA/TensorRT 应该是 NVIDIA 的一些 TensorRT 工具。
This repository contains the Open Source Software (OSS) components of NVIDIA TensorRT. It includes the sources for TensorRT plugins and parsers (Caffe and ONNX), as well as sample applications demonstrating usage and capabilities of the TensorRT platform. These open source software components are a subset of the TensorRT General Availability (GA) release with some extensions and bug-fixes.
pytorch/TensorRT 可以把 pytorch/TorchScript 编译成可以用于 TensorRT 推理的形式。
NVIDIA/TensorRT 应该是 NVIDIA 的一些 TensorRT 工具。