
The ever-changing technological revolution and the new outbreak of the digital economy are behind the efforts of countless developers day and night. They believe in technological power, dare to innovate in technology, and practice technological beliefs. They are technological pioneers and explore the direction of changing the world.

The creators who are active in the SegmentFault Sifu community include both individual authors and many technical teams. They insist on long-term value and organize team members to professionally sort out and output the technical research and technical practice of top technology companies. They let many Developers benefit and grow together with developers.

According to a comprehensive analysis SegmentFault think whether large community user behavior data (such as the number of published articles & Q, gain reputation & praise amount of points), selected the 30 most outstanding annual technical team .

Without further ado, let us announce the selection results together~

Team Namecolumn name
Android Developer Android_Developer
CloudBase Cloud Development Small Program Cloud Development Technology Column
LeanCloud TDS/LeanCloud
PingCAP Open source distributed relational database TiDB
TNTWEB Tencent News Front-end Team
Bump Labs Bump Labs
Baidu Brain Baidu Brain
Alibaba Cloud Native Alibaba Cloud Native
Cloud Video Cloud Cloud Video Cloud
Cloud Yunqi No. Ali Yunqi
Huawei Developer Forum Huawei Developer Forum
HUAWEI CLOUD Developer Community Developer Home
Jingdong Technology Developer Jingdong Technology Technology News
technical team technical team
OPPO Digital Intelligence Technology OPPO Internet Technology
Grape City Technical Team Grape City technical team
RongCloud Analysis
Tencent Security
Tencent Cloud Plus Community Tencent Cloud Technology Community
Tencent Cloud Native
vivo Internet technology Vivo Internet technology
Microsoft Technology Stack
Amazon Cloud Developer Amazon Cloud Developer
Youdao technical team Youdao technical team
cloud t _ shoot the cloud Yun
Cloud Music Front-end Team NetEase Cloud Music Front-end Team
Zhengcai Cloud Front-end Team

Congratulations to the technical team on the list above! Selected authors please add . We have prepared an exclusive custom certificate for each "Technical Team of the Year".

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We sincerely invite more technical teams from enterprises/open source projects to open technical columns in the SegmentFault community, publish high-quality technical dry goods, and pass on your latest technical research and practice to more developers through the platform of Sifu. We will recommend high-quality content and provide continuous traffic support.

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